The six best foods for the brain, according to a Harvard expert

by time news

2023-07-04 13:39:17

There are foods that can improve mood, sharpen memory, and help the brain work more efficiently.

That argues Uma Naidoonutritional psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School (United States).

Mental health and diet are linked in the same way as the brain and the gut, in a relationship that has important consequences for the body.

One of the biological foundations for understanding this relationship has to do with the fact that the brain and intestine originate from the same embryonic cells and remain connected as the human being develops.

They communicate in both directions by sending chemical messages. In fact, between 90% and 95% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to appetite regulation and other functions, is produced in the intestine.

If the diet is not healthy, the intestine becomes inflamed and suffers the consequences of a poor diet. This influences the development of anxiety, inattention and diseases such as depression.

Thus, the more you take care of your diet and your intestine, the more you take care of your mental health, since “there is a direct connection between food and mood,” says the specialist in dialogue with BBC Mundo.

Uma Naidoo Uma Naidoo, pictured, says that the brain and gut have been linked since pregnancy.

Naidoo, director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, says she has loved food and cooking all her life.

Coming from a family of doctors, he always had a scientific approach to things that he found attractive.

When he studied medicine, he realized that there was not enough training in nutrition, and when he specialized in psychiatry, it became clear that more research was needed to establish the connections between food and mental health.

“This is an emerging field that is starting to expand,” he says.

In October 2022, the expert spoke with BBC Mundo about the benefits of vitamin B to keep the brain young and healthy, especially B-12, B-9 and B-1.

On this occasion, the psychiatrist refers to a selection of foods that she considers beneficial for improving mood and strengthening brain power.

1. Spices

Spices are known for their antioxidant properties. Some, like turmeric, have beneficial effects in reducing anxiety.

Getty Images Curcumin can help reduce anxiety.

The curcuminthe active ingredient in turmeric, may decrease anxiety by changing brain chemistry and protecting the hippocampus.

Another spice that Shrink really likes is the saffron. Research has shown, explains Naidoo, that saffron has effects on major depressive disorder.

Studies have shown that consuming saffron significantly reduces the symptoms of the patient affected by the disorder.

2. Fermented foods

There is a wide variety of fermented foods. They are made by combining milk, vegetables or other raw ingredients with microorganisms such as yeasts and bacteria.

The best known is the natural yogurt with active culturesbut there are also others such as sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha.

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What they have in common are sources of live bacteria that can improve bowel function and decrease anxiety.

Fermented foods can provide several brain benefits.

A 2016 analysis of 45 studies showed that fermented foods can protect the brain, improving memory and slowing cognitive decline, she says.

Probiotic-rich yogurt can be a powerful part of the diet, adds Naidoo, but not heat-treated yogurt.

3. Nuts

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts hold great promise for improving thinking and memory.

On the other hand, nuts have healthy fats and oils that our brains need to function well, along with essential vitamins and minerals, such as the selenium in Brazil nuts.

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Naidoo recommends eat 1/4 cup a dayas an addition to salad or vegetables.

They can also be mixed with a homemade granola or dried fruit, because these combinations are healthier than commercially available ones, which are often high in sugar and salt.

4. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a excellent source of iron It helps form the covering that protects neurons and helps control the synthesis of chemicals that influence mood.

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A survey conducted among more than 13,000 adults in 2019 found that people who regularly eat dark chocolate have a 70% lower risk of depressive symptoms.

Dark chocolate also contains many antioxidants and is highly beneficial.

5. Avocados

With relatively high amounts of magnesiumwhich is important for brain function, avocados (or avocados) are another source of well-being.

There are countless analyzes suggesting that depression is related to magnesium deficiency.

Getty Images The avocado, or avocado, is rich in magnesium.

Several case studies in which patients were treated with a dose of between 125 to 300 milligrams of magnesium showed faster recovery from depressive disorder.

“I love mixing avocados, chickpeas and olive oil as a tasty spread on whole-grain toast, or as a dip for freshly cut vegetables,” says the doctor.

6. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables, such as kalemake a difference in health, explains the expert.

Although not well known, the truth is that green leafy vegetables contain vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids, which are nutrients that protect against dementia and cognitive decline, says Naidoo.

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Another benefit of these foods is that they are a great source of folate, a natural form of vitamin B9 that is important in the formation of red blood cells.

Folate deficiency may underlie some neurological conditions. That is why this vitamin has beneficial effects on cognitive status and is important in the production of neurotransmitters.

“Vegetables like spinach, Swiss chard, and dandelion greens are also excellent sources of folic acid”, adds the expert.

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