Foment demands that the State assume the salary of the workers from the fourth day of leave

by time news

2023-07-04 13:53:01

Catalan employers Promotion of Work increases its offensive by one eighth to reduce the costs assumed by companies in cases of temporary disability leave of its workers. For months they have been advocating granting greater power to the collaborating mutuals -which answer to the companies- so that they can register absent employees due to non-traumatic injuries. Now to that demand they add another: that the companies do not pay any salary to their workers on leave and that it is the State that, from the fourth day of disability, assumes said cost.

Companies currently have the obligation to pay the salary to a worker on leave from the third day of absence and up to the fifteenth. In many collective agreements, as well as in the public administration, there is a commitment that the employee receives his salary from the first day of leave. With the idea of ​​not interrupting the chain of payments and that for employees falling ill does not mean a decrease in their income. However, what is strictly legal is that the company pays from the fourth day.

Foment does not see it that way and calls for the next government to come out of the July 23 elections to modify the regulations to allow companies not to pay anything until the 15th. And for the State to assume that cost, through Social Security contributions. The employers have not quantified the cost that this would entail for the public treasury, although they also demand -at the same time- to tighten their belts and get out of the deficit.

“Large transversal agreements”

The president of Foment Treball, Josep Sánchez Book, has presented a document of 317 proposals for the next government. These include the expansion of the El Prat de Llobregat airportthe repeal of the last part of the pension reform (which raised business fees to pay for them) or implement the celebration of Company Day throughout Spain. Here in Catalonia, since last year, the June 27thwith official act of the Generalitat.

Another demand from the employer is to abolish the estate tax, which is levied on those people with properties greater than the 700.000 euros (without taking into account the main residence). In 2020, according to the latest data available from the Tax Agency, a total of 189,613 people filed a declaration on wealth tax, paying a total of 1,203.7 million euros. In Catalonia some 80,150 people paid, leaving 546.5 million euros in the Generalitat’s coffers, 45% of what was collected in all of Spain.

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In regions such as Madrid or Andalusia, where the PP governs, it is subsidized and taxpayers do not pay for it. Precisely the ‘popular’ have filed an appeal in the constitutional Court on this lien, at the request of Foment. “We want the maximum number of political forces to have the courage and courage to carry out the elimination of the wealth tax in their programs”, stated the business leader.

Sánchez Llibre has appealed to the political forces to put together “big transversal agreements” and has overcome the block politics in which they are installed during the present electoral campaign. “The formation [que gane las elecciones] It will need large cross-cutting agreements, large State pacts on certain structural reforms to guarantee a society of well-being, harmony and sustainable growth”, said Sánchez Llibre. Asked if that passes for support from the PSOE al PP If this second wins the elections or vice versa, the president of Foment has refused to answer.

#Foment #demands #State #assume #salary #workers #fourth #day #leave

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