The pesticide lobby again pinned for ethical breaches

by time news

2023-07-04 15:54:42

After the Senate, the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, denounced the behavior of lobbyist Phyteis, who represents nineteen pesticide manufacturers, whom she accuses of having “breached the code of conduct of the National Assembly”we learned on Monday, July 3.

The holder of the perch has ” given notice “ Phyteis on June 30, asking him “to respect the ethical obligations to which interest representatives are subject”. The Senate had taken the same step in early May, a first since the creation of this procedure by the Sapin 2 law of December 9, 2016. This “formal notice” from the Assembly follows a report by the deputy of the Socialist Party (PS ) of Meurthe-et-Moselle Dominique Potier and four associations.

The ethics officer of the National Assembly, Jean-Eric Gicquel, initially estimated that Phyteis “had lacked prudence and rigor in his contacts with the deputies”, according to a press release from the presidency of the Assembly. Phyteis “had indicated to deputies that 2,700 direct jobs and 1,000 indirect jobs were threatened by the prohibition, provided for by the law of October 30, 2018 known as the “Egalim law”, to produce, store and circulate in France, to from 1 January 2022, pesticides containing substances banned in the European Union”, informs the presidency. But the ethics officer “found that Phyteis had not been able to explain in an objective and quantified way the methodology used”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Senate pins the pesticide lobby, accused of blackmail for misleading use

Phyteis “strongly contests” any willful negligence

Solicited by Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance), “Phyteis was not able to provide additional information likely to call into question the finding of breach established by the ethics officer”adds the statement of the Assembly. “The President therefore notes that the actions of Phyteis constitute a breach of the National Assembly’s code of conduct applicable to interest representatives, which provides that the information provided by interest representatives “must not contain elements willfully inaccurate intended to mislead Members of Parliament””concludes Ms. Braun-Pivet.

According to Phyteis, these figures corresponded to the “A census as objective as possible, [en] November 2018, the number of jobs potentially concerned” by this legislation, “then vague and imprecise, taken by way of amendment, without prior impact study”estimated the organization in a press release sent Tuesday morning to Agence France-Presse.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pesticide lobby suspected of “false use blackmail” to oppose the ban on the most toxic substances

She says that the companies in the union subsequently shared more refined data with the Ministry of the Economy, and that “the government itself, within the framework of parliamentary debates, consolidated an estimate consistent, at the time, with the figures put forward by the UIPP [ancien nom de Phytéis] and its members ». Phyteis, who “Strongly contests any allegation of ‘willful negligence'”also says “to regret an exceptional procedure which raises questions, in the context of which the answers provided were deemed inadmissible and were the subject of an a posteriori and erroneous reading of the facts”.

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