requires approval of the Scholarship Statute before the elections

by time news

2023-07-04 15:14:11

The Ministry of Labor is playing its last card in the offices to approve the controversial Scholarship Statute before the 23-J elections. As LA RAZÓN has learned, in recent days both the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, and the highest ministerial representatives have multiplied their negotiating activity and have met with representatives of several of the ministries involved – Economy, Finance, Security Social, Education and Universities- to try to unlock the break that has been given to its approval, which was one of the star measures of the Díaz program. But, for now, it has encountered strong opposition, which may prevent even its partial approval this legislature and not reach the last Council of Ministers or, at least not in its entirety. That is the possibility that Labor clings to, that an approval is made without some key points, although ministerial sources acknowledge that “it would leave its application practically without effect.”

The warnings from the educational community and the business world about the disaster that the approval of this Statute would entail with the current conditions have weighed more than force in the Government of Yolanda Díaz, who could not prevent last week that the Council of Ministers postponed its approval, at least in some of its most controversial sections, such as the obligation for companies and public institutions to immediately pay the social contributions of workers in external training or academic practices. Therefore, an extension was granted to this requirement until January 1, 2024, instead of October 1 of this year that the Statute required. This temporary margin of adaptation to the new norm for educational centers, companies and institutions is intended not to interfere with the academic development of students and future scholarship holders. In contrast, the royal decree-law would extend the special agreements from two to five years in order to be able to compute previously completed internship periods as quoted. In this sense, Social Security sources explained that the royal decree includes “a temporary extension of the vacatio legis of the inclusion in the Social Security system of students who carry out training practices.”

At Work they are trying to pressure President Pedro Sánchez to decide to include it on the agenda of the next Council of Ministers, something that they still do not have insurance for. For this reason, the Secretary of State for Employment, Joaquín Pérez Rey, has once again demanded today the need for the Council of Ministers to give its “approval as soon as possible” to the Statute with the unions but without the CEOE. “We will do everything possible so that the text sees the light before the elections and the Executive takes office.” Pérez insisted that their approval is not considered “discarded”, as is the transposition of the European Directive on working conditions. Yolanda Díaz’s number two stressed that its approval is of “enormous importance”, especially for young people, in order to put an end to the “ballast” and “abuses” of false scholarship holders and warned that there are young people who ” They cannot access certain practices because they are not compensated for the expenses they incur to carry them out”.

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