Volkswagen focuses on electric cars and announces investments in Brazil

by time news

2023-07-04 11:42:51

Volkswagen intends to focus its production of hybrid and electric vehicles. For this, it announced this Tuesday, 4, the investment of € 1 billion (about R$ 5.2 billion) in Brazil until 2026. The goal of the German automaker is to grow 40% in the coming years.

Despite prioritizing the hybrid and electric segment, Volkswagen claims that the investment also includes the development of combustion engines based on ethanol and the expansion of the vehicle subscription business.


The company also intends to launch two fully electric models in Brazil later this year, part of the plan to have 15 electric or hybrid vehicles in the country by 2025.

The automaker’s objective is to grow 40% in Brazil until 2027. Also according to Volkswagen, there is a projection that the South American market will have an expansion of 11% each year until 2030.

“We are implementing a strategy to rapidly expand our business in high-growth markets and intensifying sustainable mobility,” said the automaker, as reported by Dow Jones.

Read too

O government Lula will continue insisting on the plan to make cars cheaper through tax incentives. Finance Minister Fernando Haddad confirmed on June 28 that the extension of the “popular” program will cost BRL 300 million. The resources will come from the anticipation of R$ 0.03 of the diesel recharging that will start in October.

Of the extra BRL 300 million, BRL 100 million were foreseen in the original provisional measure, which granted a break in resources, but the other BRL 200 million will require a new provisional measure that changes the diesel reencumbrance, informed the Brazil Agency.

Crash on four wheels

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This phrase, attributed to Albert Einstein, faithfully describes the actions of the Lula government in various areas. But nowhere is it as reliable as in subsidy policy. Especially those granted to the automotive sector.

More than a recurrence, it’s almost an obsession. Probably motivated by Lula’s (short) curriculum as a metallurgist.

An unbridled passion for spending public money on behalf of automakers. It could be comical if it weren’t tragically financed by the pockets of Brazilian citizens. With billions of reais in taxes punctually thrown down the drain trying to animate an industry that has remained inert for over a decade. Precisely because of the difficulties created by past PT administrations.

Read the full report “Failure on four wheels”

#Volkswagen #focuses #electric #cars #announces #investments #Brazil

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