Elena Furiase: “I have experienced success but I have also had to ask for help because there was no job”

by time news

2023-07-04 08:27:09

Elena Furiase (Madrid, 1988) stood out in ‘El internado’, where he had his first sequence with his mother, Lolita Flores, although he remembers that in his profession he has experienced moments of ups and downs, with times of success and others in which the phone did not ring. She is now delighted with her character in the new Telecinco series ‘Vengeance is mine’the fiction starring Lydia Bosch where she plays Lucía, a blind physiotherapist.

Lucía is a character different from all the ones she had done. Was that what he liked most about her?

She’s a very different character because she’s blind, so she’s the one that has taken me out of my comfort zone the most. I’m doing it with all the love and respect for people who can’t see.

How did you prepare it?

I have always been afraid of going blind and since I was little I have done things closing my eyes as if I couldn’t see. So when they called me to do the ‘casting’ and my representative asked me who I wanted to prepare with, I told him that I had been preparing myself all my life. Later, when they caught me, the producer put me in contact with a blind physiotherapist from Móstoles, Juan. I talked to him, I saw how he moved, how he felt, how he saw life… Juan told me that the sight would distract him from many things. It was therapy for me. Lucía has a lot of him.

Has it been a great responsibility to make a blind character?

There is a responsibility that is accompanied by fear and shame, because criticism is always there and, possibly, whoever lives with the blind a lot still sees shortcomings in me. I hope people empathize and at least see Lucía and not Elena Furiase. In addition, there is a social responsibility because we are talking about a series that is very inclusive, that talks a lot about the different genders, about bisexuality, about homosexuality… That these issues appear in a daily series when before there was only one character like that and In addition, it was a bit covered, it gives you a responsibility.

Elena Furiase in ‘Vengeance is Mine’.

He says that in his profession he has experienced success and abandonment.

Maybe I didn’t use the right word. I have experienced success, that the phone smoked, but also that they did not call me, spending months trying to survive, asking family or friends for help because there was no work or, the one that did, gave me just enough. I think it is necessary to live those moments because you learn how our business is and how the ups and downs work, that one day we are at the peak of the wave and the next the wave rolls over you and you have to go back. That makes you see that you don’t always have to wait for the desired project to arrive. One has to go taking what they are offering, as long as it is within their values. If you let many things pass, there is still a moment that passes from you.

His first hit was ‘El internado’. Would she have liked to participate in the ‘reboot’ that she has issued? Amazon Prime?

I would have loved it. When I found out, I spoke with the producer and they told me that Blanca [Suárez] y One [González] They were going to make a small cameo in the first episode but no one from before would come out. I watched the first season and I liked it. It didn’t have much to do with the first boarding school and that’s why they didn’t want to include anyone with a more fixed character. But it would also have been a nice way to engage the audience of the original series.

“I have always felt very attached to my country, to the city and to my family”

The intership‘ was also the first work of Ana de Armaswho this year has been nominated for an Oscar for Blonde.

It’s very strong! Ana has had to make many sacrifices to get where she has arrived. For many people she will be an incentive because they will think: if she has achieved it, why not me? What she is achieving is very beautiful and, above all, that she continues to be herself.

Today you can succeed all over the world being in Spain, as it has shown’The Money Heist‘. But would you have made that sacrifice of going to Hollywood?

maybe. What happens is that I am a person who has always felt deeply rooted in my country, my city, my people, my family… I would have liked to make that decision and leave, but if I didn’t it was because perhaps I did not feel it. I think I would have suffered a lot feeling alone. When I became independent I missed my family a lot! I do not rule out the possibility of being able to work there at some point, it would be a dream, but now that I have formed my family, I have a job in my country and I can live from what I like, it is not something I need. I don’t know if I would drop everything and go.

#Elena #Furiase #experienced #success #job

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