Adenomyosis, a great unknown

by time news

2023-07-05 09:26:10

Heavy monthly bleeding, intense menstrual pain, chronic pelvic pain… these are some of the most common symptoms of adenomyosis, thickening of the uterine walls

File image of a newborn baby in a hospital. EFE/ Jorge Nunez

The adenomyosis consists of the thickening of the walls of the uterus. It happens when the endometrial tissue It grows on the external muscular walls of the same.

It affects approximately 1-5% of women of reproductive age and is usually diagnosed between 30 and 50 years.

The causes of this condition are unknown, as explained by the doctor Ernesto Boschdirector of the IVI Valencia clinic in an interview with EFESalud.

According to the MedlinePlus page, the most common symptoms of adenomyosis are heavy monthly bleeding y prolonged, dysmenorrhea or severe menstrual pain, chronic pelvic pain and dyspareunia or painful intercourse.

Diagnosis and treatment

When there are symptoms typical of adenomyosis and there is no other gynecological condition that may cause them, the doctor must carry out tests to diagnose it.

The most common is to make a removal surgery of uterine tissue. By getting a sample of the same, it is examined and it is determined if this condition is suffered.

Furthermore, through a pelvic exam can be seen if the uterus is soft and slightly enlargedas well as the existence of uterine masses.

You can also make a ultrasoundalthough it does not usually give a clear diagnosis, as stated on the page Medline Plus. A magnetic resonance can distinguish an adenomyosis from the presence of uterine tissues.

Generally, most women with adenomyosis do not require a specific treatment.

For cases with greater symptoms, it is recommended to take contraceptive pills or implant one It SAYS it contains progesterone, as it can decrease heavy bleeding. Also, drugs such as ibuprofen or the naproxen they can relieve pain.

If the symptoms are too severe and persistyou can make a hysterectomy. With this operation to remove the uterus, all symptoms usually disappear.

Ibuprofen can relieve the symptoms of adenomyosis. EFE/Angel Diaz

Adenomyosis and endometriosis: hand in hand

According to Dr. Ernesto Bosch, in almost 20% of cases adenomyosis and endometriosis develop together.

The first phase of any treatment is not to confuse these conditions. Although they occur in parallel in many cases, they must be pull apart and try diagnose them early to be able to solve them in the best way, as they affirm from IVI Valencia.

The symptomatology of adenomyosis resembles that of endometriosisthe most well-known condition today.

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when cells from the lining of the womb of the uterus grow in other areas of the body, usually in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, rectum, bladder y the lining of the pelvic area.

In adenomyosis a excessive bleeding may be the main warning sign, while endometriosis is more often associated with the Intense pain. However, both symptoms can occur in both conditions.

Endometriosis is better known today than adenomyosis. EFE/Mauricio Duenas Castañeda

Does it affect fertility?

Dr. Ernesto Bosch points out that adenomyosis not usually a direct cause of infertility.

“It is rare that adenomyosis is so severe as to make pregnancy impossible. In that case, it would be endometriosis that would make it impossible or much more complicated”, explains the professional.

Therefore, adenomyosis would be considered as a condition that attenuates the chances of pregnancy, but that, in principle, it is not makes impossible.

“Although adenomyosis does not have a direct impact on fertility, it can alter the transport of sperm on its way to the egg, hindering embryo implantation and making natural pregnancy difficult,” explains the doctor.

We must go to gynecological check-ups periodically. EFE

Should we worry if we have adenomyosis?

The doctor warns that whenever there are disturbances in the menstrual cycle we must go to a specialist, in addition to the annual reviews that we should do. It is not advisable to simply go when we believe that we have a disease.

A very abundant, painful, widely spaced or irregular rule… any change in our period should make us go to the doctor. Above all, warns the expert, because there may be a problema hormonal behind that we must address as soon as possible.

We must remember that adenomyosis is often associated with very profuse bleeding. These can cause severe anemiaSo we must be alert.

Finally, it should be noted that often the symptoms of adenomyosis disappear after the menopause.

#Adenomyosis #great #unknown

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