The mask is no longer mandatory as of today after the publication of the agreement in the BOE

by time news

2023-07-05 08:02:19

Updated Wednesday, July 5, 2023 – 08:02

The Council of Ministers decided yesterday to end the health crisis caused by Covid-19.

Two shop assistants at a pharmacy in Madrid with masks. EFECoronavirus Masks are no longer mandatory in health areas and become recommended

It’s official. The use of masks is no longer mandatory in health centers, social health centers and pharmacies, after the publication of the measure This Wednesday at the BOE.

Yesterday, Tuesday, and after 1,207 days, the Council of Ministers terminated the health emergency due to Covid-19 in Spain, as announced by the Minister of Health, José Manuel Miones. “Three years later we put an end to the health crisis and all the extraordinary sanitary measures put in place will decay“.

Miones analyzed the epidemiological situation and stressed that since November 2022 it is seen “a decreasing trend” in terms of deaths and hospitalizations, less than 1%. He also highlighted that this added to the fact of a lower virulence of the micron variantthe high vaccination rate and the natural infection of the Spanish population, “this disease no longer constitutes a health crisis situation in Spain”.

The agreement, which has just entered into force after its publication in the BOEstresses “the special vulnerability of health centers” and “the need to reinforce the use of the mask in certain contexts“.

The use of masks for people who work in intensive care units and in units with vulnerable patients will continue to be recommended; hospital emergencies or primary care, including the waiting room; residential centers for the elderly and people with disabilities and symptomatic people when they are in shared spaces and professionals who care for them.

In the case of residences for the elderly and people with disabilities, Miones urged to maintain the ‘extra’ precautions in the event of symptoms appearing in workersresidents or visitors, to avoid outbreaks and taking care of the well-being of the elderly, both physical and emotional”.

The agreement values ​​the report from the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES) which, in agreement with the Alert Report, considers that the Covid-19 epidemic “has been controlled and, although this disease continues to be relevant to the public health, it no longer represents a health crisis situation in Spain”.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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