Great reaction to Turkish bride refugee groom campaign

by time news

2023-06-10 11:09:19

ANKARA. The “Foreign Groom Turkish Bride” program, organized under the sponsorship of the Migration Administration of the Ministry of Interior, received a great reaction on social media. On the poster of the program “We get together every week to talk with immigrants, not about immigrants.”hands took place. The ‘Turkish bride, foreign groom’ project, a new project supported by the Ministry of Interior and aimed at resettling refugees in Turkey, drew a reaction. Victory Party leader Ümit Özdağ also shared a post criticizing the project.

Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ reacted to the project and the Ministry of Interior. Özdağ used the following statements in his social media account: „See the project supported by the Ministry of the Interior. I will call it mind-blowing, but there is no mind to be kept in mind. Instead of looking for foreign grooms for our daughters, create an environment for our sons to find jobs so that they can propose to our daughters.”


Birol Kılıç, 10.06.2023, Analysis/Observation

Simple questions from Vienna!

This seemingly innocent project is this innocent?

What kind of demographic operation is being drawn to the Republic of Turkey and its indigenous people who have been settled for thousands of years in a short time?

I wonder if the same evil operations will be shot in Austria or in another EU country, or rather, can they be shot?

As the owner of a Turkish publishing house, an Austrian citizen living in Vienna for thirty years, our answer is very simple: No, it cannot be withdrawn.

In Austria, neither the government starts such an absurd campaign, nor does the opposition refrain from bringing it politically through the nose of the government. So why are these arrogantly seen as arrogant to Türkiye and its people?

No EU country has such a campaign.

It didn’t happen, it couldn’t be…

There are none in Ukraine and Russia. It didn’t happen. If it can’t…

So, why is it in Turkey?

The absence of such a campaign for asylum seekers in the European Union or Arab countries, but in Turkey long-term demographic and moral catastrophe. In addition to showing its magnitude, it is important in terms of showing what kind of an operation was carried out with a campaign that seemed innocent to Turkey and its local people. This

The problems of Turkey, which apparently collapsed and drowned, are only the tip of the iceberg.

It’s a shame, it’s a sin… It’s a shame!

Introducing these refugees and Turkish girls and women in Turkey under the name of so-called marriage is in essence marketing the girls and women of the unemployed and unemployed local people, who have been removed in a difficult situation, to the refugees, it is understood as giving them money and giving them away. Attention! It is regrettable that this campaign is over the Ministry of Interior.

Most of those who came to Turkey illegally from the borders are real. i don’t have a refugee rightIntroducing the hand of the state in such houses under the name of marrying impoverished local Turkish girls and women to asylum seekers who have broken their pins or have money in their hands. „women marketers“ It will even cause it to fall into your hand. Attention. The news that he made calls from mobile phones and computers under the name of Turkish boys and women before the asylum seekers arrived in Afghanistan still remains on the agenda.

Who is behind this campaign, who is it, and who received money for this campaign should be disclosed immediately. If the idea of ​​this campaign is European Union refugee funds, what is the purpose? Or is this campaign funded by one of the Arab countries?

In the foreground behind this project, how transparent are the associations established in Turkey where local Turks are employed? These associations are a civil society initiative that develops projects for people with different cultural identities to live together in harmony. It is the program of the International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations.” Why don’t they inform the public transparently on their official websites by stating their names, which International Non-Governmental Organizations are behind these projects? Which countries, which companies and individuals are behind this so-called International Civil Society Federation?

In an irregular and uncontrolled manner, nearly 10 million asylum seekers who do not have the right to refugee in accordance with the circulars of human rights in the world have intimidated the local people in Turkey and changed their demographic structure, as well as led to terrible tricks in the elections with their Turkish citizenship, which were given unfair and irregular or fabricated laws and circulars.

Confidence in the voting of local Turkish citizens, who went to vote by saying “the ballot box and the border are honor”, which is the basis of democracy, has been reduced and everyone is put into suspicion.

Why is everyone in Turkey watching an afghanization and Syriacization trajectory away from democracies and the rule of law, where whose hand is not in who’s pocket, in a state of anxiety, fear, desperation and deep unhappiness, as if watching a Netflix movie, almost drugged and frightened?

The allegations and videos that hundreds of thousands of refugees from the 14th May and 28th May elections were unjustly given Turkish citizenship while choosing the future of the local people democratically, and that they elected the Ankara government.

Is it wrong to claim that such projects are the projects of giving away the domestic goods, girls and women of Turkey, which has officially brought an unlawful state of corruption, bribery and collapse, to the refugees with the aim of disrupting the demographic structure in the long term, and in essence making a diabolical policy normal?

We ask again. Why is there no such campaign in any EU country?

For example, you never “German bride, asylum seeker foreign groom“ or „Austrian bride, asylum seeker foreign groom „ Have you heard of the campaign? By the hand of the German or Austrian Ministry of the Interior.

There is no such campaign in Ukraine and Russia. Why is it in Turkey?

In fact, in Ukraine, which is starving during the war, there is no practice that would be an insult to such women, either at home or abroad, against the orphaned Ukrainian girls and women, for example, in EU countries. It does not exist in Arab countries, but now it is in Turkey. It doesn’t even come to mind.

This mind-blowing campaign must be stopped in Turkey immediately. ( Vienna, 10.06.2023,

#Great #reaction #Turkish #bride #refugee #groom #campaign

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