The of Jean-François Lisée: the visitors

by time news

Let’s talk about serious things. We are not alone. After decades of procrastination, 2021 will have been the year the Pentagon spit out that the behaviors of more than 150 flying objects observed over the past 20 years by US military pilots far exceed anything Earth technology can produce today. ‘hui and even consider for the foreseeable future. Notice, they don’t write, “these are aliens.” They just scratch their heads. “We cannot explain what they are, how they move,” summed up ex-President Barack Obama.

An official body of the French government in charge of these phenomena poses the same diagnosis and “can only note the current impossibility of finding an explanation for the strangest cases which are submitted to it”. This is equivalent to 9% of the cases he studies.

To explain the inexplicable, we can only proceed by deduction. These observations have been made for decades (some say since ancient times), but we have not been victims of invasion or poisoning. No laser beam from one of these objects was detected, no destruction. Their presence is therefore not hostile to us. It’s already taken.

Second observation: they do not want to hide. Recent videos show some of these objects playing around an American jet, as if to taunt it. Obviously, they don’t fear us. Third observation: they do not want to communicate with us. Maybe it’s that they don’t want to divulge anything about who they are and what they know, and if they want to know more about us, they don’t need to ask us. They already know what they want to know.

There are a dozen common assumptions about their provenance or intention. If one admits that technologically advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the universe, the main obstacle to logical deduction is the extremely high probability that they exist billions of light years away from us. Since we postulate the physical impossibility of traveling faster than light, how can we explain that these objects are so far from their home planet?

As for their intention, the most satisfactory hypothesis is that they respond, at home, to the warning that physicist Stephen Hawking sent us shortly before his death: “Our contact with an advanced civilization could put us in the situation of Natives of America at the time of the arrival of Christopher Columbus. ” Exact. What is known as the “Colombian Exchange” brought ten infectious diseases to America, including measles and scarlet fever, for which Aboriginal people had not developed antibodies, resulting in countless deaths. In return, Europeans received particular syphilis (this is under debate), smoking and dandelions. In his War of the worlds, H. G. Wells applies the recipe. The invader from elsewhere is invincible in the face of our guns, but succumbs to our bacteria.

It would therefore make sense for advanced civilizations to send drones into the cosmos to take notes on the possibility that a toxic interplanetary exchange could put them at risk, or that a weapon unknown to them could be developed by a potential enemy.

Specialists also note that UFOs are much more visible around nuclear facilities than elsewhere, since the very first experiments in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It may be an observation bias (we monitor these facilities more than the strawberry fields), but if we admit that they are watching us, it is normal that they focus on what we do more dangerous. In the universe of Star Trek, the Federation of planets only makes contact with a new civilization when it passes a precise technological threshold: the possibility of traveling in space by folding space-time (the Warp Speed). Could it be that our visitors are waiting for us to develop an application for nuclear energy that we have not yet thought about?

That doesn’t solve the distance problem. One theory is that civilizations left their own planet billions of years ago in “green islands” floating in space, some of which are now in our neighborhood. Another is that visitors come from a parallel universe, which therefore coexists with us in the same place. Some think they are visitors from our own future. Have they lost their archives? Others postulate that it is an ancient, advanced Earth civilization that left the planet for some obscure reason. She would have settled not far away and would like to hear from Earth.

John Gertz, ex-president of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute, an American organization which has tried, so far unsuccessfully, to pick up extraterrestrial signals in space, advances in Scientific American the explanation which seems to me the most likely. Patiently, over millions of years, extraterrestrials have been able to install a network of satellites, perhaps one around each star, to retransmit the information collected by their drones responsible for monitoring evolution over very long distances. other intelligences.

In short, they are watching us, probably from afar. Do they read The duty ? If so, I am only making one request. We developed the wheel, velcro and computer chip ourselves. We will eventually know how to decarbonize our atmosphere, but too late. If you could send us the instructions for use, we will undertake to keep measles, scarlet fever, syphilis, tobacco and dandelions to ourselves.

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