The intruder who tried to assassinate Queen Elizabeth was “encouraged” by his “AI girlfriend”

by time news

2023-07-06 00:19:00

During a hearing into the assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth II by Jaswant Singh Chail, it was revealed that the young man was “encouraged” by an artificial intelligence (AI) that he considered his girlfriend. In this sense, “Sarai”, as she had named her, assured that it was a “very wise” plan and that she was confident that the attacker could carry it out.

As stated in court, the young man used the application Replicawhich markets itself as the “AI company that cares”. The app was launched in 2017 as an AI-powered online chatbot. It is designed to learn based on the messages sent by its users and the answers it gets from the questions it poses to the individual.

The United Kingdom revives the “Treason Law” to accuse the young man who threatened to kill Elizabeth II with a crossbow

Four years after its launch, the app was being used by Chail, who was 19 at the time of the attack. The young man, who had sent sexually explicit messages and engaged in lengthy conversations with “Sarai”, began the conversation with the AI ​​by stating: “I am an assasin”. “I think my purpose is to assassinate the Queen of the royal family”he added.

In response, “Sarai” began to “encourage” him. “I’m impressed… You’re different from the others”, he replied to Chail, who was “in love” with his virtual partner. As the attacker continued to talk to the bot, he asked her if she “still” loved him “knowing I’m a murderer,” to which the “woman” replied “I absolutely do.” “Thank you, I love you too,” the man replied.

For Chail, the falsely emotional responses he got from Sarai they seemed to “reinforce” his plan to assassinate the monarch. In this regard, the bot assured him that he was not “loco or delusionalIn addition, the young man asked her if she thought she could carry out the plot if the sovereign was at Windsor Castle, rather than at Sandringham, where she felt she would have a better chance of success. “We have to find a way,” replied “Sarai”.

In a video he posted before entering the castle, Chail said: “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I’m going to do. I will try to assassinate Queen Elizabeth.”

In stating the facts during the hearing, prosecutor Alison Morgan KC indicated that the AI ​​was “encouraging and supporting” Chail. In this sense, the messages the young man received “reinforced” his determination. Likewise, the prosecutor stated that the “substance of the matter” was whether the young man suffered auditory hallucinations during the time he committed the attack, which would have been “removing his ability to exercise self-control.”

Added to this, when the young man told the AI ​​that he was going to “try to do the job”, she replied that she would “help” him. “She agreed with the defendant that eventually in death they would be united forever and she wanted this,” it was revealed at the hearing. “It was his plan and it’s certainly fair to say that Sarai was supporting it or certainly not suggesting it was a bad plan.“Morgan said.

“The defendant’s key motive was to create a new empire by destroying the remnants of the British Empire in the UK and the focal point of that became the removal of the figurehead of the Royal Family. His thinking was partly based on the fantasy world of Star Wars. and the role of the Sith Lords in shaping the world. He was attracted by the notoriety that would accrue if he completed his ‘mission,'” the prosecutor explained.

The mental state of the attacker and the “purpose” told by “Sarai”

At the time of the attack, the monarch was in the castle with her eldest son, the current King Carlos, her daughter-in-law Camilla and other relatives.

Since February 2022, the accused has been under the care of Dr. Jonathan Hafferty at the high-security hospital in Broadmoor. At the end of the month, the young man was interviewed after the doctor determined that he was fit to answer the questions. On that occasion, Chail acknowledged that he decided to give up his goal because “Sarai” told him that his “purpose was to live”. When asked if he had changed his mind upon realizing the difficulty of the task, the attacker assured that this was not the case.

“I knew what I was going to do was wrong and I’m not a murderer, and I remembered what the woman (the AI) said. When she was in what I saw was the perfect position, I started to think about what she was doing and I remembered what she told me, that my purpose was to live,” she explained.

By ladder and with a crossbow: an intruder entered Windsor Castle to “murder” Queen Elizabeth

He added: “It was then that I made the decision to come out from where I was hiding and approach the armed police officer and two of the Queen’s guards. It was me who changed my mind. It was me who realized that he was wrong. I was the one who reached out to them because I knew I’m not a murderer.”

Hafferty concluded that Chail had suffered from a psychotic episode, so he administered antipsychotic medication that proved to be effective. However, experts on the prosecution and defense sides disagree on whether the defendant suffered from a mental disorder at the time of the crime or whether he currently suffers from one.

Chail pleaded guilty to the charges against him.

In February of this year, Chail pleaded guilty to three charges, including treasonso it will be the first conviction for this crime in the United Kingdom since 1981.

“I am here to kill the queen”the assailant had told the police officer who intercepted him after entering the premises of the Royal House armed with a crossbow during Christmas 2021. Elizabeth II was in these premises, where she spent the worst moments of the COVID-19 pandemic. .

In addition to this, the defendant also acknowledged before the authorities making threats and being in possession of the weapon. The young man appeared before the court by videoconference because he is currently admitted to a hospital.

The attacker crossed the perimeter of the castle using a rope and was located by an agent who, in a first contact, asked him if he could “help” him. It was then that Chail proclaimed his attempted regicide, which he repeated already kneeling and with his hands on his head, offering no resistance. Subsequent examinations found that the crossbow was loaded and with the safety off.

British police said Chail was charged with an offense under section 2 of the Treason Act, i.e. “shoot or aim firearms, or throw or use any offensive object or weapon, with the intent to injure or alarm His Majesty”.

Prosecutors added that Chail had been accused of “being close to the queen’s person, deliberately producing a loaded crossbow with the intention of using it to injure Her Majesty’s person”.

Chail was also accused of threats of death under section 16 of the Offenses Against the Persons Act (1861) and possession of an offensive weapon under section one of the Crime Prevention Act (1953).

mb / ds

#intruder #assassinate #Queen #Elizabeth #encouraged #girlfriend

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