Risk of Death Increases: Study Shows COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease Link, Urgent Vigilance Required

by time news

2023-07-06 03:54:00
Warning! Cardiovascular Disease Infected with “COVID” Increases the Risk of Death by 1.7 Times, Dr. Teera Opens a Study in Australia

COVID-19 continues to be a situation that requires constant vigilance due to the absence of an effective vaccine or specific treatment for the infection. Adding to the concern, a recent study conducted in Australia and published in the journal Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine reveals that individuals with cardiovascular disease who contract COVID-19 face a 1.7 times higher risk of death.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teera Woratanarat, from the Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University, shared this alarming information on Facebook. Doctor Thira, as he is affectionately known, references the study conducted in Australia that analyzed 1,567 patients. The findings indicate that patients with a history of cardiovascular disease who also contracted COVID-19 were 1.76 times more likely to die during hospitalization compared to those without a history of cardiovascular disease.

The severity of the situation has also been underscored by a research team from the United States, who recently published the results of a situation assessment model for China following the cancellation of the Zero COVID policy. The study suggests that in the past few weeks, the infection has been spreading rapidly in China, with a doubling time of only 1.6 days. It estimates that 1.3 billion people have been infected, resulting in 1.3-2.6 million deaths.

It is important to note that these study results should be compared to data and reports from other sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the Omicron variant of the virus has demonstrated a remarkable ability to spread rapidly, as seen in the global outbreaks over the past two years.

Although Thailand is currently experiencing a downward trend in COVID-19 cases, caution is necessary. Lessons from the latest wave suggest that outbreaks can occur due to insufficient disease control measures during festive periods, particularly in March and April. Therefore, the importance of living with consciousness, avoiding carelessness, and regularly protecting oneself cannot be emphasized enough.

To reduce the risk of infection, individuals should be cautious in crowded places with poor ventilation and avoid close contact with others outside their households without protection. Sharing food and belongings with individuals outside the home should also be avoided. Wearing a mask correctly plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of transmission.

In conclusion, the heightened risk faced by individuals with cardiovascular disease who contract COVID-19 highlights the urgent need for measures to protect this vulnerable population. Additionally, the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in China serves as a reminder for the global population to remain cautious and implement effective disease control measures.]
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