the facilitators will be trained in the prevention of sexual violence

by time news

2023-07-06 08:42:21

“Collecting the words of child victims cannot be improvised. » The 50,000 candidates who each year pass the certificate of aptitude for the functions of facilitator (BAFA) will now be trained in the prevention of sexist and sexual violence, announced Thursday, July 6, the State Secretariat for Youth.

Those responsible for collective reception of minors, such as holiday centres, leisure centres, summer camps, will sign, for their part, on Thursday, a charter of twelve commitments to prevent sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the premises of the French Union of Holiday Centers (UFCV).

They will thus undertake to “include the prevention and fight against sexual and gender-based violence in the educational project”To “recruit staff trained in these issues” or train them and appoint “referents” VSS in each structure, specifies the Secretary of State in a press kit. They will also commit to “educate minors” gender-based and sexual violence and “gender equality issues” and to “report” the VSS “to the competent authorities”.

A specific module will be added to the BAFA so that the facilitators are able to prevent sexual violence and listen to children who mention violence experienced in their homes, says the Secretary of State.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers La Ciivise assesses the economic cost of sexual violence during childhood

“Talking about it can change everything”

“You have to know what to say, or not to say, so that they can express themselves without closing in, then react appropriately, know the procedures to follow to report the facts”explains Sarah El Haïry, Secretary of State for Youth, in an interview with West France.

Finally, the government will unveil during the day an awareness campaign on sexual and gender-based violence which will be broadcast from July 10 to August 6 on Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. It will be aimed at young people between the ages of 13 and 18 to encourage them to speak to adult supervisors in holiday camps if they are victims of domestic violence.

This campaign aims to address “to adolescents, to tell them that, if they are confronted with violence, talking about it can change everything. The outer setting of a colony can allow us to talk about what we undergo in our daily environment.underlines Ms. El Haïry.

Another campaign launched on social networks aimed at parents will aim to “tell them that their children are safe, protected from sexual and gender-based violence during their holidays in a summer camp or camp”according to Ms. El Haïry.

Every year more than 800,000 integrity checks “systematic and recurrent” workers in centers welcoming minors are carried out, recalls the State Secretariat.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Behind the scenes of the 3018 call center, on the front line for child protection on the Internet

The World with AFP

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