Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Dementia: What to Look Out For and How to Confirm Diagnosis

by time news

2023-07-06 11:30:00
Signs of Possible Alzheimer’s Dementia Can Be Noticeable Years Before Diagnosis

In Germany, more than 1.8 million people are currently affected by the incurable Alzheimer’s disease. This devastating condition leads to a progressive loss of nerve cells in the brain, resulting in memory loss and difficulties in processing information. However, it is important to note that not every case of memory impairment is necessarily dementia, as age-related forgetfulness is also common.

To determine whether memory impairment is a sign of dementia, various tests are required. Simple tests with pictures, words, and numbers can provide an initial assessment, but a definitive diagnosis can only be made through further investigation. In cases where early dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is suspected as a result of Long Covid, additional tests such as mini mental status tests and imaging processes may be necessary.

Extensive diagnostics by a doctor are crucial in confirming dementia. Anamnesis discussions with a general practitioner and a neurologist are usually carried out to assess overall health. Physical examinations, blood tests, urine samples, and psychometric tests are also conducted to rule out other diseases and infections. Special neuropsychological tests and imaging processes, such as EEG, CT, and MRI scans, can help detect Alzheimer’s-typical changes in the brain and rule out other potential causes.

A reliable diagnosis can be made by examining the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. CSF diagnostics can detect altered concentrations of certain proteins associated with dementia. Genetic risk factors may also be examined to determine whether the dementia is hereditary. However, the decision to undergo genetic testing should be carefully considered and decided upon with advice from a doctor.

There are several early signs of dementia that individuals and their families should be aware of. Disturbed sleep with intense dreams, perception disorders, hallucinations, forgetfulness, and inattentiveness are all potential indicators of the onset of dementia. Additionally, increasing confusion, depression, personality changes, loss of smell and taste, difficulty in following conversations, sleep disorders, spatial and temporal orientation problems, and cognitive difficulties can all be signs of dementia.

It is important to seek medical attention if sudden memory impairments or any of these symptoms occur, as early diagnosis and intervention can improve quality of life and treatment outcomes. However, this article only provides general information on the topic and should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-medication. A visit to a healthcare professional is always necessary for a proper assessment and diagnosis.]
#Alzheimers #dementia #investigations #diagnosis

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