Netanyahu’s trial: Hefetz revealed the discovery that stunned him in the 2000 case

by time news

For the 17th and last time: State witness Nir Hefetz appeared today (Wednesday) to testify in the case of Benjamin Netanyahu in the Jerusalem District Court. Hefetz’s cross-examination regarding the suspicion of the bribery deal in the 2000 case was ended today by the defense attorney of Yedioth Ahronoth publisher Noni Mozes, Adv. Iris Niv-Sabag. It will be followed by a re-investigation by the State Attorney’s Office in the three cases, at the end of which Hefetz’s testimony will end.

Yesterday, Adv. Amit Hadad completed his cross-examination, during which Hefetz testified about Netanyahu’s involvement in the establishment of the newspaper “Israel Hayom”, and his demand from the owner and editor of Israel Today “to enter Mozes.” Hefetz described Netanyahu’s relationship with Mozes, , When the defense tried to show that Moses had no ability or interest to skew coverage for Netanyahu.

Noni Mozes (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

Regular updates from the discussion:

  • The discussions that deliver the goods and the never-ending drama film Stormy in court

10:25: The re-investigation in the 1000 and 2000 cases is over. The discussion came to a halt.

10:24: Prosecutor: “You said to Adv. Niv Sabag, about the formula, in the two conversations, live and let live, quiet, you said for Sheldon a ceasefire – there is no word in the news, Mozes does not know how to provide, in the first conversation with Milchen, you said – I will ask Menoni “10 days of silence, in the face of this gap, what kind of silence and what silence did you intend to achieve in 10 days?”
Hefetz: “I meant that there would be no attacks on the Netanyahu family, I suppose it was difficult to convey an absolute thing. Knowing, it was difficult to impossible, he has the opportunity to influence the spirit of the newspaper, the big things. “

10:21: Prosecutor: “You said that the parties – Moses Netanyahu – could not have thought of bribery, were you exposed to one of the rounds of meetings in 2008, 2009, 2013, what warned Netanyahu, briefings?”.
Object: “No.”
Prosecutor: “You said there was no chance of a deal for Moses Netanyahu – do you know what was said in the meetings, if it was agreed, if it was implemented, do you know any of this?”
Object: “Nothing.”

10:20: Hefetz said that “during the periods I worked with Netanyahu, I witnessed the relationship with Adelson, I accompanied him to meetings, Adelson would take a room upstairs and go down to have meetings with him, once a meeting at the UN, all the phone calls.”

Hefetz added: “This is a generator that needs to be explained, complexity, difficult in one sentence. This battle that ignited between Yedioth Ahronoth and Israel today according to my impression, who initiated it, motivated it, used it, against whoever perceived it as an enemy for a decade – it was Netanyahu and he wanted it “Stop, he wants big flames – it’s all about him, everything about him.”

10:15: Hefetz: “Netanyahu was the generator of the struggle between the newspapers Israel Today and Yedioth Ahronoth. I have been impressed all these years that the story is not Yedioth Ahronoth and Israel Today – but Netanyahu and the continuation of his rule. Everything was around him, he was the initiator.”

10:08: The discussion resumed. Advocate Dr. Alon Gildin of the State Attorney’s Office for Taxation and Economics conducts the re-investigation on behalf of the prosecution. The investigation will begin in the 1000 and 2000 cases, since Adv. Ben-Tzur, who represents Netanyahu in the 4000 case, has not yet arrived at the courtroom.

10:00: The cross-examination is over. The discussion came to a halt.

Nir Hefetz (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)Nir Hefetz (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

09:47: At the request of Niv Sabag, Hefetz described the conduct of Netanyahu and his family during the 2015 elections from a media point of view and asked him to confirm that Netanyahu had no intention of attacking Bennett. Hefetz: “From the beginning of the election campaign until its end, this was a strategy that was acceptable to all the strategic advisers, Ali and also Netanyahu, and it is basically to embrace the Jewish House and Bennett, and not to fight with it, andOn the other hand, a line of Sarah and Yair Netanyahu who wanted to attack with all their might, But Netanyahu is the one who decides and we have kept this policy to ourselves. “

He added: “Sarah and Yair Netanyahu shared and sometimes attended meetings, Netanyahu decided and there was no other decision, but their demands will be channeled into pirate channels, Internet attacks that have no address, channeled there, Mainly to reassure Sarah and Yair, the attacks will be uploaded to the channel – let out steam on anonymous channels on the networks“.

09:36: Hefetz said that he did not know about the meeting between Netanyahu and Mozes and that he heard about it from the media and was astonished: “When it broke into the media, I was amazed, I did not know it was, why was it amazing? In the environment in which I lived, Netanyahu, Sarah, Yair to some extent, was X on a Yedioth group and certainly on Mozes, Certainly on Sarah’s part, significantly, because according to her, the common narrative for the whole family, the one who ruined her image Mr. Moses, was not legitimate, I was amazed that it happened“.

09:31: Niv Sabag presents a conversation in which Mozes asks for the release of the chief of staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, Ari Haru, to have direct contact with Ron Yaron and Eran Tiefenborn, and complains to Netanyahu that he asks for contact with Ari Haru for two months and Netanyahu does not give. The prosecution objected to the question but the judges confirmed forever to answer.

Hefetz said: “In those days, Shari Haru will be in contact with an editor of Yedioth and an editor of Vient This is a very significant thing for both parties, Because there was a disconnect, the whole media lineup that was subordinate to me, there was really no bilateral relationship, interactions with any news group, everything was under me, I did not know about the meeting. Ari Haru understands, smart, discreet, reliable, accessible axis, knows and understands the whole picture in Netanyahu, If such a thing were done it would show seriousness“.

09:25: Niv Sabag asked Hefetz about the requests to interview Netanyahu that came from editor Wynt. Object: “An interview with Wynette did not come up as an option between us, I mean not even in the segment of let’s prove yourself a week or two that you are balanced, did not come up at all. Not conceivable, says in the best language of understatement – Nor would he pass by the house. Balfour is very involved in the election campaign. “

09:22: Niv Sabag asks Hefetz to clarify what Netanyahu meant when he referred to the proposal to include a right-wing writer as a “negligible thing.” Hefetz: “Since the whole newspaper is hostile, hostile headlines, Vint, surely the matter is a bit of a sea even if important in itself, what matters is the headlines that rise daily hour by hour, the main line. , It’s so strong that it’s his worldview.

09:17: Adv. Niv Sabag interrogates Hefetz about the events of 2014 in terms of the relationship between Netanyahu and Mozes and the nature of the coverage during this period, ahead of the 2015 election year. Wanted commodity “:” For Netanyahu, this is an important thing, I worked on his behalf to bring in right-wing writers to Maariv, a bit on Walla, Channel 20 and its sites, “In other places, it is very important for him to have right-wing writers for him – not just right-wingers – he gives it great importance,” Hefetz said.

09:10: The discussion has begun.


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