from sudden changes in temperature to online pitfalls, 5 tips for summer shopping

by time news

2023-07-06 14:30:41

The temperature range between hot exteriors and overly conditioned interiors; high-calorie snacks rushed down with ice-cold sodas; the digital overdose of web shopaholics. These are some of the pitfalls of summer shopping and sales under the sun, reviewed by Assosalute-Federchimica, the national association of self-medication drugs, which dictates 5 tips against small ailments lurking for end-of-season buyers ready to crowd shopping centers shops and outlets, designer or niche shops and virtual shop windows.

“Like any activity – explain the experts of non-prescription medicines, the ones with the laughing red dot on the packaging – even summer shopping can involve some small ailments that can ruin a few hours of break from the daily routine. It is therefore important to pay attention to the health contingencies that may arise”. The most frequent are those related to air conditioning: “When it is too cold compared to the outside temperature, chills, nasal congestion and even viral infections can occur with the appearance of sore throat, cold and cough”. First you need to “dress appropriately: if you go from a hot to a cold environment, bring a shawl and a light sweatshirt with you to cover your shoulders and throat, to be removed once you return to the heat outside”. And “given that with shopping you also go from a cold to a warm environment, it is better to wear light and breathable clothes that allow the skin to breathe”.

If not even prudence and an intelligent outfit will help to avoid an illness, “self-medication drugs offer targeted therapeutic solutions. In case of cough, if it is dry, sedative drugs with anti-inflammatory function of the upper airways are used – remembers Assosalute – while if it is oily, expectorants can be used which thin the phlegm facilitating its elimination, or mucolytics which make the mucus less viscous.In case of colds, in addition to the use of sprays, nose drops and ointments based on balsamic substances, decongestants and vasoconstrictors can help to clear the nostrils, while the use of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs can help if fever also appears. Finally, for the treatment of mild sore throats, “in addition to substances with a balsamic action, oral antiseptics and disinfectants can be used”.

The second threat is food: “During summer shopping – the self-medication experts continue – it is easy to let yourself be tempted by quick but delicious meals, accompanied by tempting iced drinks that could lead to annoying gastrointestinal disorders such as for example a swollen belly, stomach ache and heartburn”. It is therefore better to “avoid too cold carbonated drinks, as well as foods that are too fatty”. However, “if stomach heaviness and gastric acidity appear after the meal, drugs with a prokinetic action, which increase the contractility of the intestinal muscles and favor stomach emptying, and antacids can help restore well-being. If abdominal swelling occurs, Absorbent medicines (intestinal adsorbents) may help.In case of stomach ache and diarrhea attack, for 1-2 days it is advisable to follow a light diet rich in liquids, possibly resorting to over-the-counter medicines. able to decrease intestinal motility. If the diarrhea does not go away or worsens, it is always better to consult your doctor”.

Strolling through the shops and pausing in front of the windows to analyze items, prices and discounts, it is then “important not to forget hydration and sun protection. It is essential to always leave the house with water and drink frequently”. Also remember that “sunglasses, hats and protective cream must not be missing even in the city”. If, on the other hand, you opt to bypass the heat and queues in the shop by buying online, seated and without time limits, Assosalute points out that even “prolonged exposure to screens can have some negative effects in terms of health, especially that of the eyes. It is almost inevitable to run into dry eyes after spending many hours in front of a computer or smartphone screen, which become whole days for those who work with a PC.The blue light emitted by electronic devices can contribute to eye fatigue, causing irritation , burning and worsening vision. To give relief to red and tired eyes, self-medication drugs can be taken, available in the form of eye drops, gels or ointments with a lubricating action”.

It’s not just the eyes that are at risk. “If online shopping lasts hours, our musculoskeletal system is also affected by immobility or wrong posture: the neck, shoulders and back can experience contractures and muscle pain. Although self-medication drugs with anti-inflammatory can be useful in solving this kind of ailment, it is always better to change position often and to take breaks during navigation to get up and move around”. Finally, be careful not to ruin your sleep with evening or nighttime e-shopping sessions. “Exposure to light from electronic devices can lead to difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and impaired quality of sleep. Before going to bed, it is better to read something or listen to relaxing music, dedicating yourself to activities that help the brain disconnect, preparing to rest”. But “if you can’t sleep, also because of the excessive heat of summer nights, self-medication based on mild vegetable sedatives can help, which can be used in case of occasional sleep disturbances”.

Here are summarized the 5 tips of Assosalute for a healthy and serene summer shopping:

1) Never forget hydration and sun protection. Drinking plenty of water helps regulate body temperature and support the body against the heat. Beware of the sun in the city. Remember to protect exposed body parts;

2) No to prolonged exposure to air conditioning. We all seek refreshment in the heat, but beware of sudden changes in temperature and jets that are too cold or direct. Protecting the shoulders and throat is useful to avoid discomfort;

3) Let the skin breathe. Choose light clothing, no too tight pants or non-breathable shirts;

4) Avoid online shopping if you are tired. Don’t overexert yourself. But if you really need to search and buy items of interest online, it is better to use reduced blue light screens and place the device at an adequate distance from your eyes. Furthermore, limiting online shopping activity in the evening hours favors a good rest;

5) Get up and walk around. One of the physical consequences of online shopping is sedentary lifestyle. Lack of movement can lead to muscle ailments and, over time, to health problems such as weight gain, reduced muscle tone and the risk of developing disorders such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. If you really can’t give up entertainment via the Internet, still find the time to do some physical activity.

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