Fourth heat wave can generate work thermal stress

by time news

2023-07-06 22:00:54

During the fourth heat wave, temperatures between 30 and 45°C are expected in a large part of the national territory.
According to UNAM, the most affected states will be Campeche, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán, Guerrero, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Sonora, Tabasco, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí and Sinaloa.
Work-related heat stress causes everything from a simple headache to dehydration, confusion and respiratory problems.

Since last July 1, the fourth heat wave in Mexico and it is expected to last at least until the 10th of this month. During this period, temperatures between 30 and 45°C are expected in a large part of the national territory, according to specialists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). But beyond the discomfort, it is also a risk factor for developing multiple health problems.

fatal cases that have occurred

It is by no means a minor issue because just a couple of weeks ago an unfortunate event was recorded. It is about an elderly nurse who was found lifeless inside her home in Coahuila. When doing the investigations, it was detected that the cause of the accident was extreme heat.

With this in mind, within the work environment these high temperatures cause the so-called occupational heat stress. It is a disorder that alters the development of productive activities, explains Felipe Cuadra, specialist in organizational development and co-founder of Rankmi.

According to UNAM specialists, the states most affected by this meteorological phenomenon, also known as heatwave, will be: Campeche, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatan, Guerrero, Michoacan, Oaxaca, Sonora, Tabasco, New Leon, San Luis Potosí and Sinaloa.

“The impact of heat on labor productivity is a relevant issue, especially at this time when we are experiencing temperature increases that have the potential to affect our health and performance, so it is highly recommended that companies take measures to prevent affectations to your staff.”

For her part, the International Labor Organization (ILO) created guidelines to address the impact of climate change in work environments. For example, it recommends that work spaces have adequate conditions to avoid extreme temperatures, take breaks to avoid dehydration, exhaustion or heat stroke, and that workers have guaranteed access to drinking water.

In this sense, in our country there is the Official Mexican Standard Nom-015-Stps-2001 High or low thermal conditions-Safety and hygiene conditions. Its objective is to establish the maximum permissible conditions, levels and times of exposure to extreme thermal conditions, which, due to their characteristics, type of activities, level, time and frequency of exposure, are capable of altering the health of collaborators, and applies to for all workplaces in Mexico where there is exposure to extreme thermal conditions.

What is occupational heat stress?

The thermal stress at work generated by high temperatures can cause from a simple headache, to the appearance of weakness, fatigue, skin irritation, muscle cramps, nausea, profuse sweating, dehydration, confusion and respiratory problems, among others.

As body temperature rises above 37°C, our brain is forced to allocate more resources to regulate it, affecting attention, concentration and memory.

Recommendations during the fourth heat wave

Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures, frequent drafts and sudden changes, ensuring that employees can work at a stable temperature throughout the workday. Acclimatize employees to the heat according to the physical effort they make, adjusting work rhythms to temperature tolerance and keeping them adequately hydrated. Avoid direct sources of sunlight through windows or structures, creating a comfortable work environment. In terms of productivity, companies must anticipate that workers exposed to high temperatures may experience difficulties in performing their duties, which can cause a decrease in the productivity of organizations.

Also read:

Deaths from heat waves in the world could increase fivefold by 2080

Fourth wave of heat: When did it start and how can you protect yourself?

Heat waves cause the death of a retired nurse: She could not stand the extreme heat

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