Argentina: the division of the left in the elections

by time news

2023-07-05 12:36:11

We are a few days away from the closing of the lists. They are choices that do not excite anyone. Polls indicate that most expect the country (and their own situation) to be worse off in the coming year, whoever wins.

By PSTU-Argentina

The Frente de Todos (FdT) still has no candidates, with Cristina Kirchner deleted and candidates who do not convince anyone: Sergio Massa is responsible for the economic disaster, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro is unknown, and Daniel Scioli is a joke.

This is of great importance, because it is an alliance supported by almost all of the leadership of the unions and the majority social organizations. And that expresses Peronism, the destination of the historic vote of the Argentine working class.

We socialists precisely participated in the elections to dispute the conscience of the working class and youth against Peronism, to patiently try to explain that there will be no way out of the bosses’ hands.

Javier Milei tries to appropriate the “anger vote” and capitalize on it for a far-right, anti-worker and contrary to the interests of the country.

That is why these elections represent an opportunity and a need to present a solution for profound change in the face of the crisis that is coming in the country.

The left division

For this, a single unitary proposal was important to develop a vigorous unified campaign against the IMF and the bosses, for a workers’ government plan, and to raise the fight for a Socialist Argentina. But unfortunately there will not be a unitary option for the left.

On the part of the FIT-U there were no efforts to integrate the Nuevo MAS or Política Obrera, the parties that are legal and are not part of the FIT-U. And they also had no interest or insistence on joining.

On the other hand, the FIT-U itself appears at the PASO divided into two lists: PTS and the Socialist Left on the one hand, against the Partido Obrero and the MST on the other.

We had interviews with the FIT-U parties, and we expressed this opinion, the seriousness of competing in the PASO, with a focus on differentiating between them, instead of concentrating on denouncing the bosses’ parties and the proposal for a workers’ exit.

We did not succeed. Both explained to us their “political reasons” for splitting up. They seemed to us artificial reasons, pretexts.

We have deep differences with the different parties. Also with the PTS. But it is not true that the PTS is, as the PO says, “prokirchnerista”.

In truth, the division is explained only by the disagreement in the configuration of the lists. And unfortunately the methods of the bourgeois regime are used to confront electoral differences for the candidates.

The PTS intends that the candidates for President and Vice be from their party. And the PO-MST, they face that, fighting for their own candidates. Spot. A charge dispute.

It seems to us a very serious error, a totally wrong conception of the reasons why the parties that call themselves revolutionary go to elections.

That will force leftist voters, and even thousands of new comrades disillusioned with the FdT, to choose between lists whose division is not understandable.

Aware that the cards are already played, we call on the FIT-U parties to assume the responsibility they have and put aside the dispute in the PASO.




Our party will participate in the elections, to develop with all its forces a defense of the need to unite the entire working class and the people, before and after the elections, to confront and defeat the plans of the IMF, the bosses and their governments. .

To explain that there is a way out of the crisis, which requires a deep, revolutionary change, which begins by stopping paying the fraudulent debt and putting all those resources at the service of a workers’ and popular development plan. That can only be guaranteed by a government of the workers and the people, on the way to a new system, free of exploitation: a Socialist Argentina, without IMF or capitalists.

We will try to have worker and youth candidates to express this program, and to open a dialogue with hundreds of thousands of comrades disappointed with the Peronist variants, and begin to organize ourselves for the coming struggles and for a revolutionary solution.

Explain that, in these elections, it is useless to abstain or vote blank. Much less, of course, vote for Javier Milei to “punish politicians.”

The division of the left and of the FIT-U itself will force us to assume a place in this artificial division. We will do it, because aware of our weaknesses, we are not going to refrain from this battle, like in no other.

Just as we knew how to be at the forefront of direct action in the days against Macri, which cost us persecution and imprisonment, in the same way we will be in every fight of the working class, wherever it is free.

Published in 13/06/2023

#Argentina #division #left #elections

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