These are the procedures that must be followed after the death of a loved one

by time news

2023-07-07 08:13:00

The death of a family member or of a loved one is a moment duroften unexpected, and which is accompanied by protocols and procedures that must be carried out efficiently, even in difficult circumstances. While there are things that can wait until we are a little better to face them, others require unavoidable times. To be prepared for this context, it is important to know what are these procedures and management in the face of a death.

The first thing that must be taken into account is that, wherever the death happens, the funeral process it is very similar and we are free to choose which company we want to do all the procedures with. ultimatefor example, has a comprehensive service for all those people who have lost a relative they don’t have to worry about anything. His group of advisors is highly qualified to carry out all the dutiesalways with him constant dialogue and family consensus.

First procedures after a death

Once the death has occurred, if it has been at home, you must call the general practitioner of the deceased to certify the death. If this happens a the hospital or residencethey provide the signed death certificate. From the moment of death, Altima already offers advice, psychological and emotional support, and the possibility of contracting the services that is needed to speed up and carry out the whole process in the best way.

In the case of have private insuranceonly reporting to ultimate, this contacts directly with the insurance company. It should be noted that having insurance does not oblige you to choose one funeral company or another and that we have absolute freedom to choose whichever is preferred.

“In the face of the death of a family member, the procedures to be followed and the decisions to be taken must be taken into account”

Death certificate

The essential “medical death certificate” is a document signed by the doctor who has made the death official, where the causes of death are indicated, as well as the date and time of death. This document only has the function of certifying before the civil registry the death

The funeral home hand it over to the civil registry of the place of death to register it. From this moment is when the civil registry issues the “Literal death certificate”the document that is valid to be able to carry out, from then on, any management regarding it.

Playback of 3D images at the funeral home of Áltima ultimate

What legal procedures do we have to do, once it has been processed with the funeral home?

At the time of death, and once the deceased has been registered with the civil registry and social security, in a no more than 3 months, the respective survival pensions must be processedgo through the specific deregistrations of each of the services that the deceased person had assets (banks, supplies, etc…), and you must obtain the certificate of last will to be able to accept the inheritance. All these procedures are included in the management service that Áltima offers with the contracting of its services.

Can I choose a funeral home?

When dealing with the death of a loved one, there are many decisions to be made that are often thought to be set in stone. One of the common questions is whether there is a possibility of choose funeral homeand in this situation the answer is always affirmative.

In a context of bereavement it is essential to offer families all the possible options for them to decide freely how and where they want to say their last goodbye to your loved one.

Vigil room of Áltima Gironès ultimate

Contract of funeral services

The hiring a funeral service means making all the decisions for the performance of the act, public or privatewhich should serve us to dismiss the deceased person.

Áltima collects all possible proposals and the options offered include the burial or cremationhe type of grave (both for bodies and ashes), la selection of funeral products and services that you will want to include in funerals and service planning (time of the funeral, duration of the vigil, place where you want it to take place) and also the services such as the funeral home, the parish, or the chosen cemeteryetc.

The services also include everything involved in the farewell ceremony: if this is it religious or secularthe readings that will take place and the participants, the priest, the music chosen and its format (live or recorded), the projection of photos or audiovisuals, flowers, reminders, etc.

The funeral home of Áltima Gironès ultimate

In short, Áltima offers all those requirements for the personalization of the funeral serviceadapting it to all the desired needs.

The death of a family member often means one too travel logistics and the need to be able to gather all the friends and people from the environment of the person who has died in one spaceso that, to facilitate all these tasks, all procedures can be carried out both from the offices that Áltima has, or by requesting that a funeral advisor from the company travel to your home or the hospital.

How do the procedures for the reading of a will begin?

All post-death testamentary procedures are part of the important activities that the family will need to carry out after the death. They are procedures with many legal and fiscal implicationss, which is why it is recommended that they be carried out by advisers perfectly familiar with the aforementioned topics. Altima also offers administrative advice to provide service before the resolution of many of these issues.

Áltima, at the service of families

The philosophy of a funeral company as Áltima is based on providing a service focused on commitment to families so that they can experience the moment of saying goodbye to their deceased family member with the assurance that everything is in good hands. Funeral companies are also obliged to provide their services free of charge to families who do not have the minimum resources and in these cases, ÁLTIMA is given free of charge to these families the oratory where the funeral ceremony will be held.

The departure of a loved one requires essential tasks that must be carried out at a time also surrounded by strong emotions. The experienced vision and service vocation of a funeral company that is close, empathetic and efficient is key to being able to carry out the best farewell and, at the same time, the best management that a moment of this intensity demands.

#procedures #death #loved

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