Impeachment of the Court: the farce continues

by time news

2023-07-07 05:10:00

Few issues do more damage to the republic than the clownish parody of the impeachment trial of the Supreme Court of Justice, resumed before the beginning of the electoral campaign and whose first objective is to discredit the Judiciary and humiliate its members, and, secondly, , attempting to undermine the prestige of those who will surely be the last instance in the trial of the Vice President of the Nation, who perceives herself to be outlawed, without any legal disqualification that prevents her from running for elective office.

The vocation of Kirchnerism to subdue judges who are not docile to it and who fulfill their constitutional function of exercising legal control over the acts of the other two powers of the State already comes from afar. It began at the provincial level in Santa Cruz when several Court rulings that reinstated the illegitimately removed provincial attorney were not complied with, and then continued at the national level with the reform of the law of the National Magistracy Council, aimed at giving prominence to the political establishment over that of judges and lawyers that make up said body. Then, with the so-called “democratization of Justice” bill aimed at controlling the operation of the aforementioned Council by other means and, finally, with the enactment of the subrogation law to be able to appoint judges temporarily to cover court vacancies.

Given that all these initiatives were declared unconstitutional by the courts in different instances, with the final intervention of the Court, the existence of an independent Justice became intolerable for Kirchnerism. And there is no better way to try to “discipline” the Judiciary than by attacking its head, represented by the Supreme Court, whose members can only be removed, as is known, for poor performance, for crimes in the exercise of their functions or for common crimes.

There is no better way to try to “discipline” the Judiciary than by attacking its head, represented by the Supreme Court

Taking advantage of its current majority, which allows it to exercise control of the respective commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the ruling party chooses to submit the Court to impeachment, invoking, among other causes, poor performance, disguising what is actually lucky in retaliation for disagreeing with the ruling party with the scope of the sentence of the Court that ruled in favor of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on the co-participation of federal funds. As for the grounds for committing crimes, an attempt is made to configure it as the “possible” commission, in such an absurd interpretation that not even the legislators themselves believe it viable.

The process opened in the Impeachment Commission It has been plagued by irregularities, which included the violation of the right to defense and the formulation of vague and imprecise accusations, without any legal basis, which reveal the persecutory desire of the Court’s judges by the ruling party.

The Supreme Court has proven to be serious, dignified, independent and effective, attributes that its peers in the ruling party of the other two powers cannot seriously wield in the face of the state of the country’s general administration. Submitting to the sentences of an independent and apolitical power is the way in which citizens exercise their freedom and the best sign of predictability to encourage the arrival of much-needed and long-awaited investment from abroad.

This Kirchnerist farce detracts from the genuflecting legislators who unfortunately promote it for reasons that have nothing to do with the legitimate actions of the judges of our supreme court.

LA NACIONMeet The Trust Project
#Impeachment #Court #farce #continues

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