This is the strategy for the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense to be safe • Business • Forbes México

by time news

2023-07-07 10:09:02

Javier Castro Félix, director of operation of the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense, says that they work hand in hand with the government of the State of Mexico to take care of and monitor motorists from crime, accidents and vandalism in the Circuito Exterior Mexicano, a highway that was eaten by the urban stain.

“We have established, formalized and signed (a collaboration agreement with the C5) and closing ranks to deduce the robberies, assaults and criminal issues that may arise,” he tells Forbes Mexico.

“(The agreement signed with C5) has paid off for us, because as of May we closed with a 30% reduction compared to 2022, something that is quite significant and this is a result of this collaboration,” says the director of the highway.

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The Circuito Exterior Mexiquense has a control center that makes use of technological and innovative tools to maintain surveillance 24 hours a day on the 110 kilometers of highway. Photo: © Oswaldo Ramírez.

The monitoring established 24 hours a day is aimed at providing security to users, who pay a toll fee, and to collaborators who work on the 118 kilometers of the highway, he said.

“Monitoring and surveillance yields us reports, which give us the protocols and actions to follow depending on the incident that is taking place on the highway,” he adds.

Surveillance of the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense is carried out through 92 360-degree cameras, with a range of 2 kilometers and night vision.

The highway also has 11 road aid units, which are operated by 30 elements, which provide incidents to provide support to motorists, explains Castro Félix.

Javier Castro Félix, Director of Operations for the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense. Photo: © Oswaldo Ramírez.

Currently, the urban highway is experiencing the problems of a large city, so its administrators must be very alert, attentive “and trigger all the protocols that are necessary,” says Castro Félix.

The concession title establishes the installation of a control center to monitor and supervise the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense, which generates the actions and protocols to provide security to motorists.

The control center of the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense, which started in 2005, already had an adaptation in 2011 and there is a plan to give it greater scope, modernization and continuous improvement every year.

Aleatica, the firm that has the concession, operates 20 assets on interstate and urban highways, ports and an airport in Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Italy, the United Kingdom and Spain.

The Viaducto Bicentenario, the Autopista Urbana Norte and Amazon Perote also have their control centers to guarantee greater safety for motorists,

The control center of the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense is the largest and most modern that the company Aleatica has, he says.

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The Circuito Exterior Mexiquense has a length of 110 kilometers. Photo: © Oswaldo Ramírez.

In May 2023, the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense had 315,000 crossings per day: “That is a very high number and we have 1,400 incidents, which arise in the Circuit per month, of those 30 are accidents.”

The statistics of the incidents is not an alarming number compared to the number of crossings that they handle on the urban highway, affirms the manager of the company.

Technology facilitates mobility every day, for example there is a Circuit point Mexican Foreign where on a Friday 70 thousand cars cross.

Currently, the signing of an agreement with Civil Protection of the State of Mexico is being negotiated so that there is more road safety for motorists and collaborators, he comments.

Of the motorists who circulate through the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense, 60% do so through a car, motorcycle or truck and the other 40% are cargo transport vehicles or heavy tractor-trailers.

“With an agreement with Civil Protection of the State of Mexico, we will gain a timely reaction and greater coordination in an accident with dangerous cargo,” adds Castro Félix.

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