Police are investigating a case of serious sexual offenses involving students from a school in the south

by time news

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In recent weeks, the police have been investigating a case of sexual offenses involving students from a school in the northern Negev, members of the moshavim. Some of the offenses, it is suspected, took place on the school grounds themselves. Most of the details of the investigation were subject to a restraining order. What has been reported is that now more than 15 boys are involved in the affair, the vast majority of whom have been sent under house arrest. Some are suspected of serious offenses.
The students all claim that the acts were consensual.

The affair created a great deal of embarrassment and confusion in the council in general and in the educational institution in particular – the student teachers and parents shout their cry:

Despite the restraining order, the affair excites southerners and floods many questions among students. Those involved in the affair are suspected of sexual offenses of varying degrees of severity. All have been released under house arrest for the time being, but the investigation is ongoing.

Dismissal of the director:

This week the director of the educational institution where the affair took place was fired. This, even though he was due to retire in about four months. A former Mossad official responded “I am shocked and have no understanding of how it happened. Things have changed, and I have no idea how this thing rolled into what it rolled into. It is a great disaster for the region.”

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The head of the local authority, who fired the principal after learning of the serious affair, wrote: “As a community we have experienced a number of complex events that can not happen in a community that strives for excellence in education. A girl and a boy. “

Student cry:

Following the affair and against the background of other incidents that took place at the school, the student council at the educational institution announced the suspension of studies for one day as a sign of protest. “We are announcing a strike among the students who are experiencing a drastic deterioration from several aspects in our school area,” the students announced.

School students indicate that the events at the place began a long time ago. The student council ended the strike, after reaching agreements with the administration. As part of them, there will be separation between the layers, there will be supervision at shuttle stations and the addition of protected hubs.

The students said that they demand an appropriate educational framework for the situation in the school, in which sex education classes will be taught, the rules will be clarified and expectations will be coordinated. “There is a lack of acquisition in everything related to life skills and inappropriate timing in transferring irrelevant lesson plans – information we should have learned at earlier stages in everything related to sex education, dry law and in general,” they said.

The teachers’ cry

Today, teachers from the school published a letter in which they called for addressing the plight of the students in the face of the corona crisis. “This distress translates into extreme acts and the breaking of any possible normative framework. We face this distress and feel ourselves voiceless and meansless. The system refuses to flex itself so that we can adapt our conduct to the new reality.

From the beginning of the year and even last year we have been shouting our cry. We cry out for the need to adapt the education system to the reality in which we live, to the national emergency in which we find ourselves. We feel exposed and vulnerable. This is an emergency. In order to increase the sense of protection in the school, we reiterate our desire to return to functioning as a six-year school, and request resources in order to implement the necessary structural changes. “

The teachers are also attacking the regional council, which has decided to fire the school principal And negotiate with the students over their heads:

“The conduct of the council in recent days has shaken and shaken our whole world. We feel exposed and vulnerable. The conduct has shaken off the last tool we have left – meaning. This is not the time for ego wars and political struggles. This is not the time for division and division. This is the time to unite and connect.”

The teachers further ask – “Was the opinion given, on the part of the community and on the part of its leaders, about the day after?

“Who will absorb the youth at the end of the crisis? Will they face disjointed, meaningless, powerless, backless educators? Are these the educators who can provide the youth with the guidance and support they need on their journey. This is an emergency.”

The parents demanded that the details of the affair be published

Although the media can not yet publish all the circumstances of the case, it seems that thousands of people are already aware of the details. The parents at the mixed school read Revoke the restraining order To enable the treatment of the affair: “Delays the progress of internal treatment in the school and in the community.”

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