A draft law on urban planning sent to Parliament

by time news

2023-07-06 10:13:25

The Council of Ministers in its meeting of Wednesday, July 05, 2023 authorized the transmission to the National Assembly of a bill which will regulate urbanization in Benin.


The inadequacy of legal instruments relating to the sector, in addition to the obsolescence of existing tools, are hampering efforts to develop sustainable cities and affecting the management of public infrastructure and equipment, the Council of Ministers underlined. According to the final communiqué, the urban sprawl of agglomerations generates the proliferation of poorly equipped and serviced peri-urban areas with, as a corollary, constructions in areas unsuitable for housing. “These uncontrolled occupations of urban and peri-urban space are detrimental to the safeguarding and protection of the environment.. They expose city dwellers to the risks and consequences of natural disasters due to climate change”. Knowing, however, that the political, administrative and institutional context has changed a great deal, in particular with the adoption of the land and state code, as well as laws specific to land use planning, climate change, protection, development and implementation. in value of the Littoral zone, it is necessary to take this into account when reorganizing the sector. The bill thus transmitted aims to promote the implementation of the investments of the Government’s Action Program, by facilitating the mobilization of land reserves and the reservation of large rights-of-way for future public investments within the framework of development planning. urban. It is a question in this case of making the link between the operational imperatives in the short term and the prospective long-term vision, for the promotion of sustainable cities, in coherence with the tools of regional planning and the rules of the art. in terms of town planning; to integrate into the principles, rules and instruments of planning and urban development, the tools for the protection and enhancement of sensitive areas, in particular those of the Coast, for adaptation to climate change and energy transition; to take into account the context of modernization and accelerated urban development to be implemented by the actors in order to be able to deal with the gap in housing and services as well as the rapid growth of urban agglomerations; to take into account the context of decentralization and facilitate the partnership of the State and the municipalities with the private sector, with a view to attracting potential investors and to make the texts that have existed so far in the sector consistent by basing them in a single document which will henceforth govern the various matters relating to town planning. Once this law has been adopted, information sessions will follow to promote its appropriation by citizens in order to induce the changes in behavior necessary for the new rules of life in urban areas.

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Q. A.

juillet 6, 2023

#draft #law #urban #planning #Parliament

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