KTSO signed “Sister Chamber Cooperation Protocol” with Ankara Chamber of Industry

by time news

2023-07-07 14:54:40

According to the information given by the Chamber of Industry, KTSO President Ali Kamacıoğlu and a delegation consisting of the accompanying board of directors and professionals made contacts and visits in Ankara.

Cumali Sabah, Vice-Chancellor of METU Northern Cyprus Campus, also took part in the delegation. The delegation was accompanied by İsmet Korukoğlu, Ankara Ambassador of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Evaluating the visits, KTSO President Ali Kamacıoğlu stated that the ratio of exports to imports hovered around 5 percent for many years and said, “This cannot be a destiny. The Turkish Cypriot industrialist must be freed from this vicious circle. It is imperative that we switch to an export-oriented economy model.”

Kamacıoğlu emphasized that the recipe for economic salvation of the Turkish Cypriot people is possible by determining an aggressive policy focused on production, exports and only exports.

Anitkabir visit

Chamber delegation made its first visit to Anıtkabir in Ankara. After Ali Kamacıoğlu laid a wreath on Atatürk’s mausoleum, a moment of silence was observed and the National Anthem was sung. Then, while the delegation of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry passed to the National Pact tower, Ali Kamacıoğlu signed the Anıtkabir Special Book.

Kamacıoğlu wrote the following in his memorial special book:

“Dear Atatürk, as the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, we are in your presence to represent our country and our production, inspired by your principles, works and revolutions, in the light of your idea that “every factory is a castle”. As Turkish Cypriots, we will walk without stopping for our industry and country, on the path you have opened, towards the target you have shown. With our utmost respect and respect.”

The KTSO delegation then visited Ankara Chamber of Industry President Seyit Ardıç together with the Ankara Ambassador of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus İsmet Korukoğlu.

A “Sister Chamber Cooperation Protocol” was signed between ASO and KTSO during the visit, in which the members of the ASO Board of Directors were also present.

According to the signed protocol; will encourage the members of both chambers to cooperate, commercial relations will be developed, joint projects will be carried out and experience will be shared between the two chambers on trade and investment.

According to the statement, ASO President Seyit Ardıç stated that development and growth increase as shared, “There are more countries than cities in the world now. “We are ready for cooperation on the basis of brotherhood and cooperation that will contribute to the economic strengthening and development of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. With the sister chamber protocol, our brotherhood with KTSO will be strengthened and I am sure this cooperation will lead to new business opportunities. I wish the protocol to be beneficial to both chambers and our members.” spoke.

KTSO Chairman Ali Kamacıoğlu stated that their goal is to increase the exports of the TRNC. Stating that a large part of the Cyprus economy is based on trade and imports, Kamacıoğlu said, “We need organized industrial zones in order for our country to be able to produce. Our most important lack is experience. Ankara Chamber of Industry has this experience, and we also benefit from this experience to support the production leg of our economy. We want to make it happen,” he said.

After the ASO visit, the delegation met with Hasan Basri Kurt, President of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Support Administration (KOSGEB). At the meeting, views were exchanged on the areas of cooperation to be developed between TRNC and Turkish SMEs.

The delegation met with the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu on the same day. TRNC Economy, TRNC – Turkey economy and development of commercial relations constituted the agenda of the meeting.

The delegation also visited Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO), another chamber with which KTSO has good relations for many years. ATO Board of Directors members also attended the meeting hosted by ATO President Gürsel Baran and ATO Assembly President Mustafa Deryal. After the meeting, the electric car TOGG 2022, produced by Turkey, was introduced to the KTSO delegation. After the contacts, the delegation returned to the island today.

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