Confirmed and Suspected Measles Cases Raise Concerns about Vaccination Rate, Warns Vorarlberg State Medical Directorate

by time news

2023-07-07 14:57:00

On July 7, 2023, the Vorarlberg State Medical Directorate confirmed one case of measles in a child in Lustenau. This comes as a concern to state health director Wolfgang Grabher, who also stated that there is another suspected case, with the result to be available at the beginning of next week. While the number of measles cases has decreased in Vorarlberg since 2017, the low vaccination coverage is now becoming worrying.

The pandemic has negatively impacted the vaccination rate. While Austria achieves an 80 percent rate for the first partial vaccination, the second vaccination rate is less than 50 percent. The pandemic resulted in fewer doctor consultations and a decrease in childhood illnesses due to hygiene measures, which contributed to the low vaccination coverage.

Grabher highlighted the seriousness of measles, as complications occur in around 25 percent of cases. Measles is not a harmless disease, and it is essential for individuals who have not been vaccinated twice in their childhood or have not had the disease to contact their family doctor for vaccination. Vaccination against measles is free for adults as well.

The child in Lustenau who contracted measles was unvaccinated. It is unknown where the child could have been infected. The facilities the child visited have been informed, and a letter has been sent to parents to raise awareness.

Measles are highly contagious, and the infectious phase begins before the appearance of a rash. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, coughing, and conjunctivitis. It is important for parents to communicate their suspicion of measles before visiting a doctor’s office to prevent further infections in the waiting room.

The Vorarlberg State Medical Directorate urges the public to take measles seriously and emphasizes the importance of vaccination in preventing its spread.

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