Sunday of rallies of all the leaders, except Pedro Sánchez

by time news

2023-07-09 15:30:23

Two weeks from general electionssunday with rallies of all national leaders and candidates, any less one, the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, who spends the weekend preparing the debate on Monday and, according to Moncloa, the NATO summit Tuesday.

Mariano Rajoy accompanies Alberto Núñez Feijóo

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has been in his land, in Galicia. Specifically, in the Pontevedra bullring, accompanied by the former President of the Government Mariano Rajoy. Feijóo hopes to be the third after 23J, but perhaps the first to need Vox to govern, although he has once again said that he wants to govern alone again, without mentioning Vox.

“Those who divided us and now can no longer win, now trust him to have a carambola to once again block the governability of Spain. Do you remember that no is no and what part of it they didn’t understand? Well, I say that they do not repeat the no is no again, we are going to vote for the yes is yes and that they do not block Spain again ”, she said.

“And we are going to vote with enthusiasm, with the desire that the change will favor all of Spain and that is why I ask you to win and win with enthusiasm. We are going for it, we are capable of doing it and we are going to do it ”, she added, winking at the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Pedro Sánchez has not participated in acts

Pedro Sánchez does not participate in any act since Friday, when he presented his electoral program. The President of the Government has granted an interview that the publishes on Sunday, in which he assures that in the next elections alternation is not at stake but democracy and attacks the Vox vox postulates and the silence of the PP.

“These people are agreeing to prohibit concentrations of sexist violence, changing the departments of Equality for departments of family, as if equality and families were absolutely antithetical concepts. Or saying clearly that they are climate deniers and the first decisions they make are, for example, to stop the work on bike lanes. Or go to the extreme of seeing censorship in cultural events. It seems to me that we are playing a lot, too much, so that on July 23 we do not go to the polling stations and tell the PP that this is not the case and Vox, no, and that we all say, yes to progress ” .

Santiago Abascal defends “respecting the tastes of the Spanish”

The leader of Vox, Santiago AbascalI went out on Saturday night to the passage of those reviews due to censorship in some localities where they govern, such as Valdemorillo, where a work inspired by the ‘Orlando‘ of Virginia Woolfwhich is about feminism. Abascal from Zaragoza counterattacked and affirmed that they are going to respect the tastes of the Spanish.

“The left that establishes the dictatorship of political correctness tells us that we censor, that they be very clear that we have not come here to assume their cultural discourses, or to pay for their parties or to applaud them and wherever we have powers in matters of culture, we are going to do what we like and what we think is that what should be done is to make culture respecting the interests and tastes of the Spanish people, who are going to be the ones who ultimately make the cultural decisions” , has been defended.

This Sunday, Santiago Abascal is in Estremadura, a community in which the PP candidate had to give in to be invested and put Vox in the regional government. Abascal has once again charged Pedro Sánchez, whom he accuses of agreeing with the enemies of democracy, who are going to be, he says, the first to vote for him: “It seems to me that for Pedro Sánchez to protect democracy is that the violators vote for him, that let the coup plotters vote for him, let the thieves vote for him, let Txapote vote for him and let Mohamed vote for him”.

Yolanda Díaz encourages not to stay at home

Sumar’s candidate Yolanda Diazhas had today mitin in Sevilla. There he has said that Andalusia, if it mobilizes, will be decisive for the representation of Sumar and that is why he has asked that no one stay at home. Feijoo has been criticized for lying about the employment data and for not having an alternative plan.

“Use and throw away contracts. Is this the model that Mr. Feijóo wants for Andalusia? I already told him no and to stop lying about the employment data in our country. Let him sit down to discuss this reality and recognize what there is, ”he has reproached.

“That Mr. Feijoo start doing an audit and making transparent the bonus that you receive and we know it before you stand for the elections in our country,” he said.

“I also ask you to vote for Sumar so that the gentlemen who have inheritances they pay taxesthat the Andalusian gentlemen pay so that Andalusian youth can have a universal inheritance that allows them to study or allows them, if they want, to have a small business ”, he requested.


#Sunday #rallies #leaders #Pedro #Sánchez

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