Rabbi Reveals Attempted Persuasion of Prime Minister’s Resignation by Israel Police Commissioner

by time news

Title: Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Reveals Attempt by Israel Police Commissioner to Make Netanyahu Resign

Byline: [Author Name]

Date: [Date]

Under the title “Judgment Day of the Israel Police,” Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu of Safed exposes a meeting he had with former Israel Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich in which Alsheich tried to convince him to press for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s resignation after his indictment. Rabbi Eliyahu shared these revelations in a recent post on his Facebook page.

In his post, Rabbi Eliyahu expressed his concerns about the investigation into the prime minister’s case, suggesting that it might be a false plot seeking to overthrow a sitting prime minister. To his surprise, he was granted a meeting with the Commissioner as a result of his public statements. During their lengthy meeting, Commissioner Alsheich urged the rabbi and his fellow rabbis to denounce the prime minister’s alleged corruption, emphasizing the importance of justice and honesty.

However, Rabbi Eliyahu remained unconvinced and expressed his dissatisfaction with the Commissioner’s attempts to persuade him. Alsheich went as far as to claim that there were things he couldn’t disclose to the rabbi, urging him to trust him blindly. Nevertheless, the rabbi remained firm in his belief that everyone deserves to be considered innocent until proven guilty. They parted ways without reaching an agreement.

“As time went on, it became clear that I was right,” affirmed Rabbi Eliyahu. “Anyone following the trial proceedings can see that this is the biggest corruption case in our country. The prosecutor’s office and the police wanted to overthrow a prime minister, fabricating crimes that are not even defined by the law. They violated numerous laws just to achieve their objective.”

Reflecting on the past events, Rabbi Eliyahu now believes that the meeting with Commissioner Alsheich was orchestrated to damage public support for Prime Minister Netanyahu. He argues that this highlights the corrupt nature of the senior police commanders who approved unauthorized surveillance on civilians and the investigators who ignored witnesses testifying in favor of the prime minister. The rabbi also criticizes the investigators for pressuring witnesses to testify as per their desired narrative.

Furthermore, Rabbi Eliyahu directs his criticism towards the head of the investigative team who, when questioned in court, repeatedly claimed not to remember key details, as well as the legal and state prosecutors involved in the case. He calls for accountability and urges them to reflect on the magnitude of their mistakes, which could have endangered the entire democratic regime in Israel.

These recent revelations by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu come in light of former Commissioner Roni Alsheich’s remarks about the developments in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s trial. Alsheich had expressed his expectation that Netanyahu would resign when charges were filed against him, but the prime minister did not step down. Alsheich’s comments alluded to the precedent set by former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who resigned amid corruption charges.

As these revelations continue to unravel, it remains to be seen how they will impact the ongoing trial against Prime Minister Netanyahu and the public perception of the Israeli police and judicial system.

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