The NATO summit forces Sánchez to take a break in the electoral campaign

by time news

2023-07-09 15:50:26

Pedro Sánchez will make a parenthesis this Tuesday in the electoral campaign of the next general elections on 23J, to attend the NATO summit. Sánchez goes to Vilnius, Lithuania, after Spain has assumed, on July 1, the semi-annual presidency of the Council of the European Union.

This summit, the sixth for the still president of Spain, will once again have the situation in Ukraine as one of the main issues.

After the face-to-face debate with the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for the July 23 elections, Sánchez will travel to Vilnius the next day. The Lithuanian city will host the meeting of leaders of the Atlantic Alliance until Wednesday.

However, this meeting is not the only one that will cause a stoppage during the campaign for the 23J elections. On July 17 and 18, Sánchez must also travel to Brussels to participate in the European Union-CELAC summit that will bring together the heads of State or Government of Europe and of Latin America and the Caribbean.

On his trip to Vilnius, the PSOE leader will reiterate his need to continue supporting Ukraine without fissures and until the end of the Russian invasion, government sources have informed EFE. The summit is also expected to approve more military aid to Ukraine and increase the political relationship between NATO and kyiv.

Likewise, Sánchez will also reiterate in Vilnius Spain’s commitment to reach 2% of GDP in defense spending by 2029, something that he guaranteed at the Madrid summit, despite criticism from his partners from United We Can.

[[H3:España tercer país de la OTAN que menos invierte en Defensa]

According to data made public this week by Stoltenberg, Spain is the third NATO country that invests the least in Defense, allocating 1.26% of its GDP to military spending in 2023. Belgium and Luxembourg occupy the top positions.

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