Teachers and doctors deserve a reassessment

by time news

2023-07-10 05:10:00

There are plenty of reasons for us Argentines to be anxious about the future that we envision, no longer for ourselves but, above all, for the young generations. Many can easily fall into the error of believing that so many years of failures only affect our present, without considering that, unfortunately, the high cost extends long and looms over an urgent future. The longer it takes us to straighten the course.

If the diagnoses are limited to the economic plane, more than one treatise has already been written on the Argentine experience. Socially, the poverty rates reached plunge us into a situation that is as painful as it is scandalous that harshly punishes millions of compatriots. Reviewing each and every one of the different local scenes is tortuous and demoralizing.

The rights enshrined in the Constitution cannot be a dead letter. All our children and young people should be able to be educated in order to develop their potential for their own well-being and to contribute to the growth of the nation. No inequities. To do this, only by feeding them adequately and sufficiently can we ensure that their brains will be in the best condition, a utopia today when the hunger scandal hits so many children early.

Nor can we boast today that their young minds are receiving the best contributions. The education crisis has taken them hostage. With discredited teachers and without social recognition, it is hard to imagine that this noble and valuable profession can continue to summon the best, with honorable exceptions, which there are and many. Recognized today more for their seniority in the position than for their merits, without the training and education that today’s world demands, meager teacher salaries reveal what place we assign them in this society in crisis. Precisely to those who face the enormous responsibility of teaching our children to read and write, opening the door to the knowledge and critical thinking that we should tend to develop in them.

Instead of seeing their laudable work become more professional every day, we see them forcibly subsumed and silenced behind those who only loudly try to distance them more and more from the classroom, reducing hours, rejecting training, setting ridiculous conditions and violating what should be a healthy representation. union, today converted into a hideout for ideology and indoctrination behind sinister characters that we would all like to see far away from our children.

In parallel, the health situation is equally unsatisfactory. Serious infrastructure deficit, insufficient budgets and lack of minimum resources for attention are worrying throughout the country. However, this should not be the most disturbing. It is the human resource that will demand more replacement time, clearly neglected today.

A few days ago, the single residence exam took place, a training instance, for which 7,300 doctors, biochemists, and nurses with degrees obtained in Argentina or abroad, validated locally, applied to fill 5,848 vacancies. This year some 1,800 doctors would graduate who, being able to complete their training, for economic reasons often prefer to do two shifts instead of a residency. For this reason, vacancies for residents are not always fully covered in some specialties, with the consequent damage to professional development.

The dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UBA, Luis Ignacio Brusco, pointed out that one in three registered for residences is now a foreigner, mostly from the region. He believes that, since there are not too many doctors in Argentina, one must be pragmatic and is proud that many highly trained professionals in their countries come to complete their studies here. Today, in Medicine there are more than 200 careers outside of traditional outlets such as pediatrics, cardiology, psychiatry and clinics. Many of these are essential and the fact that they are declining is worrying when today the professional choice is clearly leaning towards better-paid specialties such as anesthesiology, surgery or forensic medicine. Brusco insists on the importance of promoting or helping precisely those with the greatest demand so that they are not lacking in the future.

Pediatrics is one of those that is currently in the forefront given the increase in cases of bronchiolitis. In 2023, with 525 openings for residencies in the specialty, only 394 applicants applied. The menacing picture includes those who emigrate or plan to do so for better salaries when local moonlighting is not only exhausting but also insufficient. If we don’t sow today, tomorrow will be too late.

Teachers to teach and prepare young minds and doctors to take care of their health in the best way give us back a truly disturbing image of what the future may hold for us. Before an electoral instance, the programs and proposals of the candidates must contemplate how to also solve these difficult equations in the shortest possible time.

LA NACIONMeet The Trust Project
#Teachers #doctors #deserve #reassessment

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