Pablo Llarena: implacable in the face of separatism

by time news

2023-07-09 03:04:06

The resolution of the General Court of the European Union dismissing the appeals filed by the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont and his former counselors Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí against the decision of the European Parliament to waive their immunity is a triumph for the man who It has been the legal scourge against the “procés”, the magistrate Pablo Llarena. Attacked by the separatists, outraged in his legitimate functions, he always acted with the firm conviction that Justice is slow, but his path is inexorable. For this reason, the Supreme Court judge endured an aggressive campaign by the pro-independence supporters and decided to submit a case based on the so-called “Belgian anomaly” to the European Union, which left the Spanish Justice and its full rule of law in question. Pablo Llarena’s performance demolishes nationalist victimhood and demonstrates that Spain is a full democracy, with its guaranteed and legal legal institutions. The scarecrow of the fugitive Puigdemont and his Waterloo court is adrift, although they will insist on his journey to nowhere.

The decision of the TGUE endorses the processing of the petition carried out by the European Parliament and, although it is appealable, it clears Pablo Llarena from handing over Puigdemont and reactivating the Eurowarrant (ODE). As the verdict is not yet final, the magistrate will await the report of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office to do so, although it is likely that the Court of Justice of the EU will postpone its resolution until the final sentence. However, this resolution is in addition to the one adopted by the CJEU, which last January ruled against Belgium and reminded it that it cannot reject the Euro-order based on an alleged lack of powers of the Spanish Supreme Court or on alleged violations of rights fundamental, unless they are “systematic”, something very difficult to prove in a State of Full Law in force in Spain. After learning of the ruling, the former president assured that “nothing ends and everything begins”, and although he will exhaust all possible legal avenues, this second setback by the European Justice opens an already irreversible path towards his surrender and trial in Spain.

Hardened in a long legal career in Catalonia, tireless defender above all of the Law against the independence movement, magistrate Pablo Llarena is a serene man, relentless in the fulfillment of his duty, despite the harassment received by the leaders of the “procés” fled to Belgium. Now, the European Justice once again agrees with him before the Belgian courts in a sentence that once again opens the way for the delivery to Spain of the former president of the Generalitat. The CJEU affirmed in its order last January that the Belgian Justice cannot reject the delivery of those accused by the “procés” or refuse to comply with the European Arrest Warrant issued by Llarena as a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Spain. Set up as a legal scourge against the independence “procés”, Pablo Llarena Conde comes from a family of jurists. His father, Juan Jesús Llarena Chave, was a lawyer and finished his career as a magistrate in the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla y León. His mother, María del Carmen Conde Vivar, also a lawyer, was the first woman to be registered as a lawyer in the Burgos Bar Association and, later, in the Labor Chamber of the Castilian-Leonese Supreme Court.

His son Pablo graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and began a career as a professor at the School of Law and the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He entered the judicial career by opposition with the number one of his promotion and was consolidated in Catalonia in the Court of Instruction number 31 of Barcelona until he was appointed by the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona . From here he became appointed magistrate of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, from where he has been the investigating judge of the sovereignists of the “procés”, including Puigdemont and the fugitives in Belgium. Affiliated with the conservative Professional Association of the Magistracy, of which he was president, Pablo Llarena, became the “black beast” of the independence movement.

Married to the also jurist Gema Espìnosa, director of the Spanish Judicial School, father of two children, the couple lived in Sant Cugat and have a residence in Das, in the Catalan Pyrenees of Cerdanya. At the end of March 2018, activists from the youth independence organization Arran painted graffiti against Llarena at his home in Das and harassed him on several outings through the region, demanding his “exile” from Catalonia, for which he asked the CGPJ for protection for him and his family. In addition, several insulting tweets were published against Llarena and his wife, which was denounced by the Tarragona Prosecutor’s Office, requesting one year and six months in jail for the author for a crime of threats, coercion and insults to a public official. Despite this, the magistrate has continued with his investigation and published numerous articles on criminal matters on the Catalan conflict, including “Autonomy and justice in Catalonia,” “The reform of the criminal process” and “The jurisdictional protection of rights.”

As an investigating judge, he has suffered the wrath of the separatists, who placed him on the target for prosecuting Carles Puigdemont and his troops. The Ministry of the Interior gave him protection and since then he has become, according to the indepes, “the executing arm of the repression.” From this world, slogans have been launched against him and his family, which has not prevented his work in the Euro-warrants and go to the European institutions that, after the judgments of the CJEU and the TGUE, begin the path for the extradition of Puigdemont and his trial in Spain. Pablo Llarena Conde maintains his road map and does not give up.

#Pablo #Llarena #implacable #face #separatism

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