Delivery of the 60th Anniversary of UPEC coin to Cuban journalists

by time news

2023-07-06 16:20:09

On the afternoon of July 5, more than 170 prominent journalists from national public media received the UPEC 60th Anniversary coin at the national headquarters of Casa de la Prensa, in Havana.

The award ceremony marked another day within the program of celebrations for the six decades of the organization. Hence, the beginning of the ceremony was presided over by a brief material that recalled the date and the setting in which this union entity was founded on July 15, 1963 at the Hotel Habana Libre.

More than 170 journalists from national media were recognized with the 60th anniversary commemorative coin of the Union of Cuban Journalists. Photo: Heriberto González/Cubaperiodistas

It was also the moment to remember the next XI Congress of the UPEC “under an idea of ​​Fidel who has been and will be a pattern and order; ‘Changes yes, revolutionary changes!’”:

When welcoming, Ricardo Ronquillo Bello, president of UPEC, highlighted the trajectory of those who were awarded; many of them linked to the independence struggles and the creation of the Cuban press system.

Rogelio Polanco, member of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and head of the Ideological Department attended the delivery of the coin. In the image, he with the journalist Juana Carrasco and the president of the UPEC Ricardo Ronquillo. Photo: Photo: Heriberto González/Cubaperiodistas

All that structure of the media, which Cuba’s enemies attack so much and which they often accuse of being incapable; however, it has been able to defeat the largest propaganda and manipulation machine in the history of the world, Ronquillo said while praising the career path that defines the lives of renowned colleagues.

“Among them, those who have not only fulfilled their journalistic work, but also as war correspondents; or those who were in three military missions on the African continent. We have comrades who have a tremendous history in the life of the Revolution and of the organization, who created the journalism schools, the UPEC improvement system and the projects of which we are now heirs,” said the president.

In his words, Ronquillo told the winners that the commemorative coin delivered contains all the respect, admiration and consideration that UPEC and the country’s leadership feel for the dedication of so many years, for the ethics and consecration shown.

The journalist Heidy González receives the coin from the hands of Ricardo Ronquillo. Photo: Heriberto González/Cubaperiodistas

“That is why I want to honor your dignity, because your work is part of what we call today the great bulwark of resistance that the Cuban people have been. You are part of the best of this town: humility, honesty… you deserve all the reverence in the world”.

After receiving the recognition, and on behalf of his colleagues, Pedro Rioseco thanked UPEC for the gesture of recognizing the work of its affiliates with more than four decades defending militant and creative journalism. Likewise, he reiterated that “UPEC will be able to continue counting on the contribution of its veteran members in the defense of the Revolution until the last drop of their feathers and the last breath of our lives.”

Present at the ceremony were Rogelio Polanco Fuentes, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and head of the Ideological Department; Bolivia Tamara Cruz, official of the Ideological Department; Waldo Ramírez, first vice president of the Institute of Information and Social Communication; Tubal Páez, honorary president of UPEC, members of the UPEC presidency and directors of various media outlets, among other guests.

The violinist duo Mora brothersmembers of the Amadeo Roldán Music Academy, delighted those present with beautiful compositions from the national repertoire.

The Cuban Journalist Union reaches its 60th birthday with more than 3,000 affiliates throughout the island and in open battle to consolidate innovative and resistance journalism, while advancing in the construction of a new press model for socialism , supported by the editorial and economic transformation of the public media system.

Cover photo: Heriberto González/Cuba journalists

#Delivery #60th #Anniversary #UPEC #coin #Cuban #journalists

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