Open letter from the president of 118 to Prime Minister Meloni

by time news

2023-07-10 17:40:46

“Distinguished Prime Minister, I represent doctors, nurses and drivers-rescuers of the 118 territorial emergency system from numerous regions of the country. On 12 July, at 12.00, we will be in Rome, in Piazza Santi Apostoli, for a brief meeting, silent and composed, lasting about 15 minutes, in order to make symbolically evident the fact that we exist, work, serve the State, incessantly, 24 hours a day, day and night, saving lives”. Thus begins the open letter from the national president of Sis118, Mario Balzanelli, to the premier Giorgia Meloni, in view of the demonstration organized by the territorial emergency society on Wednesday in Rome.

“Mr. President, we are the ones who save human lives! Thousands of human lives every year! Seamlessly! We are the operators of the Italian State’s dependent time-saving system. We are the ones who have contributed in a very decisive way to saving the Italy from the immense tragedy of Covid-19 – Balzanelli remarks – We intend to make visible the fact that we exist, that we are not ghosts, because, until today – it seems incredible, but it is true! – we have been, in the most absolute and systematic way, forgotten, ignored, by all the previous governments of this country and by all the legislative measures to reinforce the territorial health care for about thirty years”.

“We ask the current Government – which presents itself different from those that preceded it, because (its President affirms it) wants a strong and efficient nation – we ask for a national legislative re-evaluation of the 118 territorial emergency system which ensures homogeneous standards of excellence of emergency assistance – underlines Balzanelli – in all Regions and which, at the same time, enhances (instead of demeaning them) the importance and professional dignity of all of us operators in the system: doctors, nurses, drivers-rescuers. be able to greet you and meet you, even for a few minutes, on this occasion or when it will be possible for you. We are certain of the fact that you will not join those who have not understood and still do not understand (or, worse, pretend not to understand) how the territorial emergency system to function correctly”.

#Open #letter #president #Prime #Minister #Meloni

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