CaixaBank and the IEF train more than 1,100 Madrid students in financial literacy

by time news

2023-07-10 18:00:08

Volunteering CaixaBank and the Institute of Financial Studies (IEF) have presented the balance of the ‘Finance for Youth’ project. In Madrid, 1,173 4th ESO students have been trained through 115 workshops. In addition, 25 educational centers and 19 volunteers have also participated, who have been in charge of preparing and presenting the sessions in the classrooms.

This initiative aims to improve the financial literacy of adolescents, providing them with knowledge and tools that allow them to make better decisions for their future. For this, all the volunteers of the program have received previous training, including pedagogical advice and a teaching methodology by the Institute of Financial Studies (IEF).

The students who have participated in these sessions have been trained through four major agendas. The first of them has revolved around money management, in which students have learned to manage a budget, plan and control daily expenses in a responsible and sustainable way.

The second block has had indebtedness as its theme and in it they have been shown the different types of indebtedness and have reflected on responsible consumption. The third major subject matter was smart investment, thanks to which the students learned about the risk/return binomial, the advantages of diversification and socially responsible finance. The last big block has been on finances for life, in which students have seen the importance of vital objectives and the impact of financial decisions.

At a national level, during this academic year, 876 workshops have been given in 180 centers, which has benefited 7,405 students of 4th ESO in nine autonomous communities (Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla and León, Community of Madrid, Extremadura and Region of Murcia). This scope has been possible, mainly, thanks to the dedication of around 200 CaixaBank volunteers throughout Spain.

The National Infographics Contest has also been held for this course. This award is a recognition of the best work by young people in the field of financial communication, and its objective is to promote creativity, innovation and design in this field. This year, the first prize has been awarded to a student from the CSD Moratalaz school. Two second prizes have also been awarded to a student from the Zola Vilafranca School and a student from the IES Alameda de Osuna. The third prize has been awarded to two students from a high school in Almería.

Since 2008, the IEF has been developing basic financial education projects at a national and European level, aimed at society as a whole. The IEF is a collaborating member of the Financial Education Plan promoted by the Bank of Spain and the CNMV and other international forums such as the OECD and EBTN.

With more than 33 years of experience, the IEF has carried out training activities in which more than 120,000 professionals from all areas of the sector have participated. It has also taken part in European Commission projects and is the only Spanish member of the European Association of Banking Institutes (EBTN), which integrates the 40 most prestigious financial training institutes in 32 European countries.

As part of the sustainable banking model, CaixaBank is committed to improving the financial culture of customers, shareholders and, in general, of the entire society. This commitment has allowed, for many years, to promote financial knowledge through neutral, independent and quality information, in order to help in making responsible decisions about personal and family finances.

Through the ‘Funcas Program to Stimulate Financial Education’, promoted by the Savings Banks Foundation (Funcas) and the Association of Savings Banks and Banks created by the Savings Banks (CECA), CaixaBank continues to work daily with the aim of disclosing knowledge and make everyone aware of the importance of acquiring a good financial culture. In addition, it promotes training activities that cover the specific needs of young people, the elderly, entrepreneurs or people in a vulnerable situation, through specialized workshops, training courses and conferences.

Volunteering CaixaBank is one of the largest volunteer initiatives in Spain. With an 18-year history, the association is made up of employees and former employees of the CaixaBank Group and the “la Caixa” Foundation, as well as friends, family, CaixaBank customers and all those who want to participate in solidarity activities.

In the last year, thanks to the joint work with 1,991 social entities, nearly 14,000 volunteers have helped more than 482,000 vulnerable people throughout Spain, through activities related to education, digitization, support for vulnerable people and the environment, among others.

The promotion of corporate volunteering is one of CaixaBank’s lines of action. For the entity, this is a way of contributing to responding to the challenges demanded by society, while, through financial activity, it offers services and solutions for social entities and people at risk of vulnerability.

#CaixaBank #IEF #train #Madrid #students #financial #literacy

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