The back-to-school allowance will be paid on August 16, its amount increasing

by time news

2023-07-11 12:48:03

It is a precious help for three million families. The back-to-school allowance (ARS), which helps parents with modest incomes to pay for schoolbags and other supplies, will be paid on August 16 in mainland France and in most overseas departments, the Ministry of Solidarity announced on Tuesday. .

The amounts have thus been increased by 5.6% compared to the premium paid in the summer of 2022. The families of around five million children aged 6 to 18, attending school or learning in a public or private establishment, are affected, the ministry said. In Réunion and Mayotte, where the start of the school year takes place on August 17 and 23 respectively, the payment of the allowance will take place on August 1.

Between 398 and 434 euros per child

Granted subject to resources, the back-to-school allowance this year amounts to 398.09 euros for children aged 6 to 10 attending primary school, 420.05 euros for middle school students aged 11 to 14, and 434, 61 euros for teenagers aged 15 to 18, in high school. In Mayotte, these amounts are increased by around two euros, where the conditions of resources are also different.

In mainland France and the overseas departments, the payment of this aid by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) is subject to a resource ceiling: a maximum of 25,775 euros per year per household for a dependent child, plus 5948 euros per additional dependent child. “When the family’s resources slightly exceed the ceiling, it then benefits from a back-to-school allowance at a reduced rate, decreasing according to its income”, specifies the ministry.

The allowance is paid automatically for children aged 6 to 15 whose parents are already recipients, there is no procedure to complete. On the other hand, for adolescents aged 16 to 18, a period when schooling is no longer compulsory, it is necessary to provide a sworn statement attesting that the child is still in school or learning. Finally, if your child enters CP, but has not yet celebrated his or her 6th birthday, the allowance may be paid to you (subject to resources) on presentation of a school certificate.

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