Ribera defends the climate “commitment” of Sultan Al Jaber, organizer of COP28

by time news

2023-07-11 20:35:52

The third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Riberahas defended the climate “compromise” of the Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber in the organization of the COP28 that this year will be held in Dubai, given the suspicions that he may generate as president of the oil company from the United Arab Emirates. The vice president has defended her trajectorywith more than “20 years of work on energy and climate issues” and as leader of one “of the largest funds in his country in the renewable deployment“He has a very strong commitment to the climate agenda and the duty entrusted to him,” Ribera assured.

“In the decision of support that COP28 will be held in the United Arab Emirates is implicit trust who has to support that commitment and conviction with which he has presented today. His work proposal is in line with what we all think must be done, work in the decarbonization of the energy sector but not only, but guarantee a clear roadmap in the global adaptation objective and introduce systematic changes in the financial system. He deserves that we all respect his message and we accompany him to ensure that the commitment he announces can materialize over time”, the vice president stated.

These statements took place on the second day of the celebration of the informal meeting of energy and climate ministers held in Valladolid on the occasion of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union and in which the Emirati sultan has participated. Al Jaber has advanced to the ministers part of the agenda and program of the event that is held in December in Dubai and will be officially presented “in the coming weeks”. The sultan has conveyed to the ministers the need to open the dialogue to agents in the public and private spheres and has reaffirmed its commitment to the objectives of the Paris Agreement, but aware that “this objective is still far away”.

remain eight years to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, but only five months for COP28, so you have to be “practical”, has been the message of the sultan, according to knowledgeable sources. In this sense, Ribera recalled that the objective of reducing emissions to guarantee a average temperature below 1.5 degrees and above pre-industrial temperature “is still a long way off”. “We are reminded by the scientific community, government information, the world meteorological organization and the International Energy Agency. We are not yet on the path that allows us to stay below that threshold”, added the vice-president.

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Al Jaber, according to Ribera’s statements, has expressed his commitment to activate all the necessary “levers” in the short term in terms of energy and climate and the need to continue working to achieve the global objective in terms of adaptation and how to incorporate nature and biodiversity of ecosystems, the need to ensure fresh water, as well as the amount of financial resources that must be compatible with climate change objectives.

The “general feeling” on the part of the EU energy and environment ministers is in line with that first impression of the sultan, according to Ribera, with a commitment that the bloc has demonstrated for years and has incorporated into its “domestic policies as well as in their foreign policies. “But he will try to play the best role in that capacity of build bridges with the rest of the OECD countries and emerging economies and countries most affected by climate change”, he added.

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