ESA Attempts Assisted Reentry for Gravity-Dragged Satellite Falling Towards Earth

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ESA’s Aeolus Satellite Descending Towards Earth, Efforts to Guide its Reentry Underway

The European Space Agency (ESA) is grappling with a unique challenge as their Aeolus satellite is losing altitude at an alarming pace of nearly one mile per day, hurtling towards Earth’s surface. To minimize the risk of damage upon impact, the agency is attempting a first-of-its-kind assisted reentry.

The Aeolus satellite has been orbiting Earth for the past five years, measuring global winds. However, the nearly depleted fuel reserves and increased atmospheric drag due to recent solar activity have led to its descent from its orbital altitude of 198 miles (320 kilometers). If left unattended, the satellite would continue to lose altitude until its eventual burn up in Earth’s atmosphere, risking uncontrolled crash landings.

In a bid to avert the potentially catastrophic consequences of debris falling on populated areas, the ESA is embarking on an assisted reentry maneuver. Tim Flohrer, head of ESA’s Space Debris Office, stated, “This assisted reentry attempt goes above and beyond safety regulations for the mission, which was planned and designed in the late 1990s. Once ESA and industrial partners found that it might be possible to further reduce the already minimal risk to life or infrastructure even further, the wheels were set in motion.”

Although the Aeolus satellite was not equipped with controlled reentry technology, commonly used to deorbit satellites to low altitudes, the ESA engineers are determined to safely guide its descent. Presently, the satellite is losing altitude at a rate of 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) per day. When it reaches an altitude of 173 miles (280 kilometers), a six-day series of commands will be sent to the satellite, utilizing its remaining fuel to navigate it towards an optimal position for atmospheric reentry.

The final maneuver will occur at an altitude of 93 miles (150 kilometers), steering Aeolus towards its fiery reentry through Earth’s atmosphere. While most of the satellite will burn up upon reentry, some debris fragments may reach the surface. The aim of the assisted reentry is to ensure that these fragments land in remote areas, far away from any potential harm to humans or infrastructure.

“We are confident we can succeed with this pioneering effort that will set a new standard for space safety and sustainability now and in the future,” remarked Tommaso Parrinello, ESA’s Aeolus mission manager.

The exact timing of Aeolus’ atmospheric entry remains uncertain, with estimates ranging from the end of July to the beginning of August. As the satellite draws closer to Earth’s gravitational field, its descent will accelerate, potentially further expedited by solar flares or coronal mass ejections from the Sun. The charged particles emitted by the Sun heat Earth’s atmosphere, causing denser air to rise, thereby increasing the atmospheric drag on Aeolus, according to the ESA.

If successful, the assisted reentry of Aeolus will ensure compliance with current safety regulations for satellite missions designed today. The ESA’s efforts to address this challenge underscore their commitment to space safety and sustainability.

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