Better retirement at the INSS: how to achieve it?

by time news

2023-07-11 17:26:46






Better retirement at the INSS: how to achieve it? It is common for us to receive this type of question on a daily basis from our clients, after all, the situations are the most diverse and, unfortunately, errors can still occur on the part of the INSS and the Own Regime regarding the granting of retirement.

So, if you are interested in knowing more about it, keep reading!

But after all, what can you do to achieve the best retirement benefit?

If you are interested in achieving an advantageous retirement in the future and, above all, that your Administrative Application takes place quickly and without obstacles, pay close attention to the following tips:

The possibilities of retirement must be seen individually, since the form of contribution you had with the INSS, your age and, mainly, how long you have contributed.

It is important to know, before requesting your retirement, if you have contributed time exposed to harmful agents to your health. Because, if positive, you will have an additional contribution time, thus reaching the time required to Apply for Retirement more quickly.

Before you apply for your retirement benefit, it is important to check that all your employment relationships are being recognized by the INSS. Since, if a certain period is not recognized by the Municipality, it will automatically impact your contribution time and the amount of your retirement benefit.

If you have time in the public service, you can add that time with the INSS, as well as, register in the public service time contributed with the INSS, through the document of Certificate of Contribution Time.

These measures can help you achieve the best social security benefit, so it is important to gather the supporting documents and pay attention to the details before applying for your retirement benefit.

Tip from the Expert!

If you have doubts whether all your contribution time and social security payments are being considered for your retirement, we suggest that you carry out the Social Security Planning.

How important is it to do pension planning before applying for retirement benefits?

No Pension planning you will have the analysis of all your contribution time, precisely to verify that the entire period and social security payments are being considered for your retirement.

Afterwards, the possibilities of retirement will be verified, with simulations and projections of payments. And, through calculations, you will be able to check which is the best retirement possibility, how much you should collect monthly, when you will reach the requirements and what your benefit value will be in the future.

To help you better understand what retirement planning is, we’ve put together the Practical Guide: Pension Planning – Discover how to obtain a more advantageous benefit! Partner Domeneghetti

#retirement #INSS #achieve

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