naftali bennett: Israelis will double in the Golan Heights; New project approved – Israel vows to double occupants in golan heights says prime minister naftali bennett

by time news
Israel plans to double the population of Jewish immigrants in the Golan Heights, which was seized from Syria 40 years ago. The government has decided to spend more than $ 300 million for this.

Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett, who held his weekly cabinet meeting in the Golan Heights community in Golan Heights on Sunday, December 26, vowed to be the moment to increase the number of Jewish Israelis living in the area.

“Our goal is to double Golan’s population,” said Bennett, a right-wing leader. He has presented his one billion shekel ($ 317 million) program to improve the area’s housing, transportation, tourism and medical facilities.

About 250,000 Israeli settlers live in the Golan Heights. 23,000 Druze remained on Earth after being captured by Israel during the Six Day War in 1968.

The area was occupied by Israel on December 14, 1981. Israel made this possible through a move that was not accepted by the majority of the international community.

Former US President Donald Trump was widely viewed as pro-Israel. In 201, the US recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“It goes without saying that the Golan Heights are Israeli,” Bennett said Sunday. Trump’s endorsement and the fact that President Joe Biden’s administration has made no change in policy have been cited as important facts.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has suggested that there are legal questions surrounding Trump’s move after the Biden administration came to power in January.

Syria has been condemned as a good violation of its sovereignty. But Blinken noted that in the context of the Syrian civil war, there is no thought of changing course.

Israel and Syria, which are still technically at war, were separated by a real border in the Golan Heights.

Bennett, who leads an alliance of ideologically diverse parties, also needs cabinet approval to carry forward his Golan plan.

Sunday’s meeting was delayed, at least temporarily, after the prime minister’s 14-year-old daughter became infected with the corona virus. Bennett was transferred to the Quarantine. But a vote on the plan is still awaited.

What is so special about Golan Heights?

The Golan Heights are a rocky plateau in southwestern Syria. Political and strategic importance has been attached to it since ancient times. In the final stages of the Six Day War in 1967, Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria. Most of the Syrian Arab population fled the area during the conflict.

The area came under Israeli military control, establishing a ceasefire. Soon Israel began to settle in the Golan Heights.

Syria seeks to recapture the Golan Heights in the 1974 Middle East war. But the Israeli army suffered heavy casualties but was able to repel the surprise attack. The two countries signed a joint agreement in 1974 ending the war. A UN watchdog has been on the ceasefire record since 1974.

In 1981, Israel unilaterally occupied the Golan Heights. Trump will acknowledge the seizure in 2019. But many other countries globally do not recognize this practice.

The Golan Heights are home to more than 30 Jewish settlements. There are about 20,000 immigrants. There are as many Syrians as there are people. Most of them are members of the Drews sect.

Southern Syria and the capital, Damascus, about 60 km (40 miles) north, are clearly visible from the top of these hills. Israel can accurately monitor Syrian movements from these hills. This terrain will enable Israel to fight against any military force from Syria.

It is also the main source of water for the arid region. Rainwater from the catchment area of ​​the Golan Heights flows into the Jordan River. This land is very fertile. In addition, due to the volcanic soil, vineyards are used for cultivation and livestock. Golan Heights is the only ski resort in Israel.

Syria wants the Golan Heights reclaimed as part of any peace deal. In late 2003, the BBC reported that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had said he was ready to resume peace talks with Israel.

Source: AFP, Agencies | Compiled by Sruthy C.R


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