symptoms, how it is spread and treatment against the disease

by time news

2023-07-12 15:00:05

Influenza is a disease caused by a virus that bears the same name. It is characterized by presenting symptoms similar to a flu, since affects the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs. Every year it is recommended that people get vaccinated against this disease, so that the discomfort is not very serious and complications such as pneumonia and bronchitis are avoided.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines influenza as a viral infection that usually lasts for a week and is characterized by the sudden onset of high fever, muscle aches, headache, malaise, dry cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion.

There are two types of influenza: types A and B. Influenza type A is classified into subtypes based on the combinations of two proteins on its surface: hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), so It can be classified as H1N1, H3N2, H2N5. While the type B virus is not classified into subtypes.

“The first influenza pandemic occurred in 1918. It was so great that two thirds of the world’s population died. It is said that more people died from this disease than from the First World War,” says infectious disease specialist Evelyn Rojas.

flu symptoms

It affects her It manifests itself much like a fluThat is why many people, when they have the first symptoms, do not consider that it is this disease and treat it like the flu, which can later have consequences.

Influenza symptoms begin as a viral infection. The first discomforts are sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, headache, tiredness; then fever, muscle pain, general malaise of the body and, in less common cases, diarrhea and vomiting may occur.

Persistent coughing and sneezing are symptoms of the flu. It is recommended to wear a mask and cover yourself before a sneeze. (Free Press Photo: cottonbro studio at

“This disease attacks the lungs, causing a respiratory deficit because it inflames the lungs and oxygenation capacity is lost. Influenza, when it is not treated on time or as it should, It is as deadly as Covid-19 because patients may need breathing support through mechanical ventilation”, explains Rojas.

How is it contagious?

According to Iris Cazali, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Roosevelt Hospital, influenza viruses are contracted through the respiratory route. That is, they spread mainly through droplets that are produced when people with this disease cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can fall into the mouth or nose of healthy people, so they would get the flu.

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It is less common for a person to become infected by touching a surface or object contaminated with the virus and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.

Therefore, Cazali recommends that to prevent influenza use a mask, when coughing or sneezing, cover yourself with your elbow and wash your hands constantly.

Treatment and vaccination

The recommendation is that if symptoms persist for more than three daysor if the fever is 39-40 degrees, or the general malaise is too strong, visit a doctor to determine if it is influenza. It is also important monitor oxygenationIf you drop below 94, you should see a specialist as soon as possible.

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The test to know if it is this disease is a swab. The rapid tests determine if it is type A or type B influenza. “Determining this is relevant because type B is more aggressive. In addition to the fact that this is how the treatment is chosen, ”says Rojas.

The influenza vaccine should be given every year, starting at six months of age. (Free Press Photo: Gustavo Fring at

Influenza is treated with an antiretroviral, which makes symptoms less prolonged and severe. “People with some underlying disease such as diabetes, cancer, kidney problems; pregnant women and those who are at the extremes of life: children and the elderly are the ones who have the greatest risk factor for this disease to become complicated and have pictures of pneumonia and bronchitis”, emphasizes Cazali.

The professionals explain that to combat the Influenza there is a vaccine, which must be placed every person every year from six months of age. In this vaccine, scientists bring together the most common influenza viruses of the last year in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere, so that the body generates defenses and prevents complications of the disease.

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“Every year you have to get vaccinated, because the vaccine does not include all existing influenza viruses. It must be taken into account that when the vaccine is given, flu symptoms are felt, but what the body is doing is creating antibodies for influenza”, explains Cazali.

Is gastroenteritis a complication of influenza?

Infectologists agree that gastroenteritis is not a complication of influenza. In viruses such as rhinovirus and enterovirus, you can have symptoms of diarrhea, but it is less frequent.

“In the case of influenza, the complication is eminently respiratory. Pneumonia, bronchitis, or a respiratory deficit can occur that will cause the person to require breathing support through mechanical ventilation, which can lead to the intensive care area of ​​a hospital center,” says Rojas.

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