López-Gatell postpones the cancellation of 34 NOM health

by time news

2023-07-13 01:00:50

The NOMs are technical guidelines that establish methodologies, standards, requirements and other characteristics that must be met by goods and services within the national territory.
Another of its objectives is to standardize medical care to offer the same service to all patients.
A controversial proposal by Dr. Hugo López-Gatell seeks the immediate cancellation of 34 health NOMs.

Due to the multiple complaints filed, the proposed cancellation of various Official Mexican Standards (NOM) on health was postponed. From the moment this project was announced, there was strong resistance from the doctors because of all the impact it would have on their professional lives.

To recap, on June 1, Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, who heads the Standardization Committee of the Ministry of Health (SSa), introduced this initiative. According to his words, there are currently many that have lost relevance. He also mentioned that there is no other country in the world with so many documents of this type.

Despite his words, the general consensus is that the cancellation of health NOMs it would do serious damage to healthcare because there would be no real standardization. Even doctors would be at a disadvantage in potential malpractice claims.

What do they work for?

With this in mind, it is necessary to remember that the NOMs are guidelines of a technical nature. They establish methodologies, standards, requirements and other characteristics that must be met by goods and services within the national territory.

From a legal perspective, the presentation of said request for cancellation would not give rise to the possibility of filing a legal remedy for those affected. Both the rights and obligations of individuals and authorities are contemplated by various types of legal systems, ranging from the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States to various international treaties and agreements.

The cancellation of the health NOMs is suspended

On the other hand, according to the portal Political Animal, now the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin) confirmed that the cancellation of the health NOMs was suspended. One of the reasons is that more than 100 injunctions were received from various medical associations.

Faced with this situation, López-Gatell had to back down from his proposal… at least momentarily. In the first instance, the authorities recognized that there must first be a debate and analysis before making a final decision. They also indicated that they are open to dialogue.

With this in mind, during the following months various forums will be held to find out the opinion of people who are in favor and against the measure. While it is expected that a new final decision will be published in September.

Health NOM proposed to be canceled

NOM-014-SSA2-1994, For the prevention, treatment and control of cancer of the cervix and breast in primary care. NOM-041-SSA2-2011 for the prevention, diagnosis, control treatment and epidemiological surveillance of breast cancer. NOM-029-SSA3-2012 regulation of health services. For the practice of ophthalmic surgery with excimer laser. NOM-014-SSA3-2013 for social food assistance to risk groups. NOM-031-SSA3-2012 for social assistance. Provision of social assistance services to adults and older adults in situations of risk and vulnerability. NOM-032-SSA3-2010, Social assistance. Provision of social assistance services for children and adolescents in situations of risk and vulnerability. NOM-029-SSA2-1999, For epidemiological surveillance, prevention and control of leptospirosis in humans. NOM-033-SSA2-2011, For the surveillance, prevention and control of poisoning by scorpion stings. NOM-038-SSA2-2002, For the prevention, treatment and control of iodine deficiency diseases. PROY-NOM-042-SSA2-2017, Disease prevention and control. Sanitary specifications for centers for the prevention and control of zoonoses related to dogs and cats. PROY-NOM-029-SSA2-2014, For the prevention and control of leptospirosis in humans. PROY-NOM-050-SSA2-2018, For the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding.

Also read:

These are the risks involved in canceling the health NOM

Health NOM canceled by Hugo López-Gatell: This is the complete list

Cancellation of health NOM, do they violate the rights of the patient or benefit them?

#LópezGatell #postpones #cancellation #NOM #health

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