Israel’s population is approaching 10 million

by time news
Approximately 10 million: At the end of 2021, the population of Israel was 9,449,000. 73.9% of Israelis are Jews, 21.1% are Arabs and the rest are defined. This is what my data shows Central Bureau of Statistics Published at noon (Thursday).

According to the data, during 2021, about 160,000 people were added to the Israeli population, an increase of 1.7%. Most of the increase (83%) in the Israeli population was due to natural increase, and the rest (17%) was due to the international migration balance.

During the year, about 184,000 infants were added to the population (73.8% for Jewish mothers, 23.4% for Arab women and the rest for others), about 25,000 immigrants (compared with about 20,000 immigrants in 2020) and about 9,000 other immigrants. About 51,000 deceased and about 7,500 Israelis who had been abroad for more than a year were deducted from the population.

In the past year, about 51,000 people died. The number of deaths is relatively high compared to previous years, and even higher than in 2020 (47,788), when the corona plague broke out. The CBS said that the rate of deaths relative to the size of the population rose from 5.1 to 1,000 in the years 2019-2017 to 5.4. According to data from the Ministry of Health, in 2021, 4,870 Israelis died from Corona.

According to the CBS, the main countries from which the immigrants arrived this year were: Russia (30%), France (14.6%), the United States (13.9%) and Ukraine (12.4%).


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