They repeat the draw by failing to fill the polling stations (and they can do it again)

by time news

2023-07-13 02:19:16

On July 4, the City Council of the Gipuzkoan town of Zumárraga published a proclamation in which it warned that it had been forced to repeat the electoral draw: “It is made known that, since the draw was carried out on June 22, and given that The formation of the polling stations indicated is not guaranteed given the numerous allegations admitted, a public draw was held today, July 4, 2023, Tuesday, at 8:00 a.m. ».

The citizens who had promised them so happy at not receiving the dreaded notice in the form of a letter held their breath again. The sword of Damocles of spending the next July 23 locked up in a polling station had returned to their lives. In addition, the City Council warned that “if after the second draw, the Electoral Board considers that the formation of the polling stations is not guaranteed, more draws may be carried out in subsequent days.” A way to keep its nearly 10,000 inhabitants in suspense.

The case of this town is not unique in Spain. The inconvenience of the date chosen by Pedro Sánchez for the electoral advance is creating difficulties never seen before to form the tables of the electoral colleges that, by legal mandate, must have nine members (three incumbents and six substitutes). The Electoral Board of Ponferrada (León) notified yesterday that of the 750 people notified to be part of one of the 84 tables, more than half presented an excuse for not being present on election day. In other words, 492 citizens called to collaborate have something better to do and can prove it, or at least have tried. It should be remembered that claims relating to travel and vacations must be accompanied by proof of payment prior to May 29, the day of the official announcement of the advance of the general fees.

According to the news website “InfoBierzo”, the aforementioned Electoral Board made its discomfort visible due to the “problems” that the local Police are having to deliver the notifications, which must be made by hand to be considered valid, and they called for citizens to collaborate between now and next Sunday, the delivery deadline. According to Antena3, in the Soria town of Escobosa de Almazán they have had to resort to the solidarity of neighboring towns because they were missing nine people, the entire table. In this case, it is more of a technical difficulty: the population is made up of a total of twenty-five residents, of which the vast majority are over 65, the age limit allowed to voluntarily decline the call of the Electoral Board. The formula they have found to fix the mess is for people registered in the region to come to ensure the smooth running of the day.

Article 27.3 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) establishes that the designated president and member of the polling stations “have a period of seven days to claim before the Zone Electoral Board a justified and documented cause that prevents them from accepting of the position”. The eventual request for an excuse from those appointed must be resolved by the Zone Electoral Board itself “without further recourse within five days.”

The punishment for unjustified absence can incur a prison sentence of between 3 months and one year or a fine of 6 to 24 months with amounts that can reach 3,000 euros. Although these are not sanctions that are imposed haphazardly, rather the opposite, the truth is that, traditionally, in our country people take notification seriously and, if they cannot take part, they try to justify what they do. best possible with the pertinent documentation to avoid being penalized.

#repeat #draw #failing #fill #polling #stations

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