Yes, let’s cut social networks! And create a media pass

by time news

2023-07-13 20:00:00

EDITORIAL – Emmanuel Macron has made it known that he plans to proceed with “a break from social networks, if things get out of hand”. “Like in China, Russia and Iran?”, were immediately outraged by many political figures. Well ! The idea is nevertheless interesting. Excellent even, if we make the few small adaptations that are necessary so that, indeed, things do not get carried away more than in the state… Than in the State, more exactly. You will understand.

Let’s remember the talk “It’s the war” relayed by Emmanuel Macron at the time of the Covid-19. And multiple messages of this type which were then declined by the government and journalists of the mainstream media, stemming from the register of fear or in the form of threats and other injunctions to be vaccinated. Let us remember the brazen statements made by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, during the demonstrations against the pension law. or words “inflexible” of Prime Minister Borne on the question of the start of retirement age even before negotiations began with the social partners. Let us remember a certain speech produced in March by the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti, so deep that the latter had to accompany it with an arm of honor in the middle of the National Assembly. Or, finally, of all those politicians or experts of all kinds who have taken over the “It’s the war” Macronian, this time transposed to the context of riots following the Nahel affair.

It cannot be said that these various words, sometimes accompanied by inappropriate behavior as a bonus, had the effect of pacifying society, of improving its lot or of calming down some agitated debates. It’s even quite the opposite. And all these statements, of course, have been widely relayed on social networks.

So indeed, shutting down the internet could be a great idea to stop this institutionalized escalation of provocation and violence. But not the citizens’ internet. No. The internet of politicians. In this sense, it would be necessary to cut the fiber and the wifi at the Élysée, as well as at Matignon of course, without forgetting place Beauvau and place Vendôme: once internet access is finished, all these approximations are over, the jets of oil on the fire.

Besides, we must not stop on such a good path. Without cutting it off completely, why not severely regulate the access to the audiovisual media of this political personnel? This would make it possible to avoid at the source, whether it be incompetence or malice, any announcement that could harm our beautiful country, France. The media are the main instrument for relaying the collective panic fear felt by citizens. They weigh heavily on the choices that are then made by voters, on their opinions and thoughts. However, they do not allow the nuanced and balanced debates that are necessary for democracy to take place. The television channels and other radios, with rare exceptions, maintain neither the plurality of ideas nor the freedom of expression.

Whether it’s the Covid, riots, attacks, alerts about our planet… They only relay harmful emotions, divisive assertions, unverified prefabricated speeches. As much to ensure that, why not, a kind of citizens’ committee takes care of evaluating and estimating the value of media stakeholders. A media pass could be created. Each politician, even specialist or proclaimed expert, should then prove himself. And would not be invited back in the second week in the event of a breach of the rule, unsourced, unreasonable or boastful remarks.

Could the President of the Republic himself be denied access to the media? There was a time when he had enough maturity, intelligence and respect for his position to abstain from any appearance and keep silent. Alas, in our time, now elected through the media, contemporary presidents use the media in heavy rotation to satisfy their electoral and partisan views. This is what generally prevents simpler solutions in this area: using elections and the ballot in the ballot box to then do without having to control the inappropriate media statements of some (poorly) elected officials.

Finally, the best social network, uncensorable in theory, is the electorate.

#lets #cut #social #networks #create #media #pass

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