Former Vice President Mike Pence’s Stance on Abortion and Exceptions

by time news

Former Vice President Mike Pence Supports Abortion Ban for Non-Viable Pregnancies

Washington, DC – In a recent interview with the Associated Press, former Vice President and Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence expressed his support for banning abortion in cases where the pregnancy is not viable. While Pence is known for his staunch pro-life stance, this position represents a significant departure from his previous statements on the matter.

Pence explained his reasoning, stating, “I’m pro-life. I don’t apologize for it. I just have heard so many stories over the years of courageous women and families who were told that their unborn child would not go to term or would not survive. And then they had a healthy pregnancy and a healthy delivery.” He also clarified that his position still allows for exceptions for the life of the mother.

The former vice president has been a vocal advocate against abortion, distinguishing himself from some of his fellow Republican candidates who have been more reticent on the issue. During a CNN town hall in Iowa, Pence expressed his support for a federal abortion ban with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. He has also called for federal legislation limiting the procedure and urged other 2024 GOP candidates to support a 15-week national abortion ban.

In a previous interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Pence stated that he would support legislation restricting abortion to only six weeks of pregnancy. This stance aligns with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who signed a bill into law banning abortion at six weeks. However, it contrasts with former President Donald Trump, who deemed the legislation “too harsh.”

Determining the viability of a pregnancy beyond the first trimester involves utilizing ultrasound results and measuring pregnancy hormone levels, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). The ACOG notes that pregnancies deemed unviable can include early pregnancy loss and tubal ectopic pregnancies, which can be life-threatening for the pregnant individual. There are also cases of genetic or structural abnormalities where survivability is poor, and patients may choose to end their pregnancies or give birth with palliative care options.

The conversation around abortion has become increasingly urgent following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, sparking concerns about access to medically necessary abortions. One Texas woman shared her harrowing experience with CNN, recounting how doctors were legally unable to terminate her pregnancy until her health was in critical condition, placing her at risk of sepsis.

While Pence remains a Christian conservative, who views the “cause of life” as “the calling of our time,” he has also called for increased support and resources for women facing crisis pregnancies and advocated for adoption as an alternative to abortion.

As Pence continues his presidential campaign, his stance on abortion will undoubtedly shape the discourse surrounding this controversial issue. With many in the Republican party avoiding taking a clear position, Pence’s unwavering pro-life position sets him apart from his rivals and appeals to conservative voters seeking a champion for the sanctity of life.

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