Mayors soon to be polled to curb the resignations of elected officials

by time news

2023-07-13 22:26:45

A large survey on the difficulties of local elected officials in the exercise of their mandate will be carried out with mayors, announced Thursday to AFP the Minister Delegate in charge of Communities and the President of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) , who wish to curb the resignations of elected officials.

This survey, carried out by the AMF in partnership with the Sciences Po research center (Cevipof), will aim to “identify all feedback on the deterioration of the conditions for exercising mandates and test proposals”, said the AFP the president of the AMF David Lisnard.

“We will be presenting the first results of this survey next September”, he said, this being “much larger” than that carried out annually by the association.

Status, compensation…

The Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Communities, Dominique Faure, for her part promised to organize, at the beginning of October, a “national convention of local democracy”, during which elected officials and scientists will be consulted on these elements as well as on those of the center. to combat violence against elected officials, created in May. The objective is to be able to announce measures at the AMF congress, scheduled for November 20 to 23.

Among these measures, Dominique Faure cited the creation of a status for local elected officials or the simplification of procedures for mayors of small towns. The compensation of elected officials, in particular mayors of municipalities with less than 500 inhabitants, “is one of the subjects on which we will work”, she promised.

According to a Senate report released Wednesday, more than 1,000 mayors elected in 2020, out of about 35,000, had resigned mid-term. The elected officials consulted first cited the “normative complexity”, the “load of meetings” and “insufficient financial resources” as demotivating factors.

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