what causes, symptoms and how to prevent

by time news

2023-07-12 09:30:00

Cold allergy, also known as cold urticaria, is a specific subtype of induced urticaria, which is characterized by an allergic reaction of the skin in response to cold. It is most common in the fall and winter when temperatures are lower.

This condition occurs when the skin comes into contact with lower temperatures and causes a body response triggered by the immune system.

Although cold urticaria is an uncomfortable condition, there are measures that can help ease the symptoms.

For more information on the subject, keep following the article!

Table of Contents — In this article, you’ll find:

What causes cold allergy?SymptomsIs cold allergy curable?PreventionComplications

What causes cold allergy?

The cause of this allergy is the body’s response through the excessive release of histamine when stimulated by the cold, which understands the cold temperature as offensive and reacts.

As with other allergies, the origin is still unknown, and may involve both genetic, environmental and emotional factors.


Symptoms of cold allergy may vary from person to person, but usually after contact with cold or icy substances, red plaques appear on the skin, especially in exposed areas, accompanied by uncomfortable sensations of itching and burning, in addition to swelling and discomfort. -be. These symptoms appear 10 to 30 minutes after exposure.

In more severe cases, systemic symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and even difficulty breathing may occur.

When presenting any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek medical help!

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis is made from the clinical evaluation of the symptoms by a specialist. In addition, it is customary to apply a test, in which an ice cube, duly wrapped in a plastic bag, is placed in the inner region of the forearm.

After the stipulated period, if the patient has redness and swelling in the tested area, itching or burning sensation, it means that this person has cold urticaria.

However, it is important to mention that in some cases, the ice test may be negative.

Read more: What is sun allergy? See symptoms, types and treatments

Is cold allergy curable?

Cold allergy has no cure, but it is a condition that can and should be treated with the help of a doctor, preferably a dermatologist.

Cold allergy treatment

The treatment for this allergy, like any other, consists especially in avoiding the triggering factor, which in this condition is contact with cold or icy things.

In addition, specific antiallergic medications can also be prescribed by the doctor if necessary.


To prevent cold allergy, it is extremely important that the patient avoids having contact with or facilitating situations that trigger the allergic reaction, such as:

Dressing poorly in autumn or winter; Practicing sports activities in cold water; Attending extremely cold places; Bathing in rivers, waterfalls and very cold seas. Dressing well is one of the forms of prevention.


One of the complications of cold urticaria is anaphylaxis, a severe allergy that can lead to death. To prevent this from happening, therefore, you need to do regular medical follow-up and follow medical guidelines.

Cold allergy, also called cold urticaria, is a condition in which the skin reacts adversely to cold, resulting in red, itchy, swollen skin lesions. It is triggered by exposure to cold and can vary in severity and duration.

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