What is a Green, Hairy Tongue? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

by time news

2023-07-13 18:34:00
Date: 07/13/2023

Nasty phenomenon Green, hairy tongue: what this man suffers from

A green colored furry tongue is rare, it is more likely to turn black.

You wouldn’t wish what happened to this man on your worst enemies. He suffered from a green, hairy tongue. Can anyone get it?

Taste, feel, speak and protect the mouth – the tongue is a marvel of nature. Sometimes, however, nature is not kind to us. Experts in the renowned specialist magazine “New England Journal of Medicine” (NEJM) report on an unusual case. A man from the US state of Ohio presented for dental treatment. He suffered from a green, hairy tongue. BILD der FRAU explains what this phenomenon is all about and whether you can protect yourself from it.

Green, hairy tongue – what is that actually?

A hairy tongue is caused by an abnormal coating on the back top of the tongue. Incidentally, this phenomenon occurs more frequently than many people think. Although a hairy tongue looks nasty and feels uncomfortable, it is usually a harmless condition. In the US, around 13 percent of the population suffer from the phenomenon.

Are there people who are more likely to be affected?

Basically, a hairy tongue can appear at any age. However, older people and especially men are more likely to be affected. The hairy covering usually turns black. A green, hairy tongue, on the other hand, is extremely rare. The experts continue to puzzle over the cause.

What is known: In general, smoking can severely disturb the oral flora. Whether that was the cause of the green, hairy tongue in the American’s case is possible. But antibiotics can also mess up the microbiome in the mouth and at least promote the development of a hairy tongue.

The patient reported smoking and taking antibiotics. Doctors advised him to clean the plaque from his tongue four times a day and to stop smoking. According to the NEMJ experts, the symptoms should have subsided after six months.

What Causes a Hairy Tongue?

In addition to excessive consumption of coffee, tea and nicotine, other factors can also play a role in the development of a hairy tongue, the experts at the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) report:

– Poor oral hygiene
– Taking medication
– Excessive or chronic use of antibiotics
– Irradiation of the head and neck area

Does a hairy tongue hurt?

Usually not. However, some sufferers report a burning sensation on the tongue. The causes are bacteria and yeast fungi. In addition, a hairy tongue can cause gagging or a tickling sensation in the soft palate when swallowing. Bad breath or an altered taste experience often occurs when the taste buds in the mouth are covered with deposits.

Can I get rid of a hairy tongue?

Yes. Good oral hygiene is the be-all and end-all. It is usually sufficient to remove the deposits with a toothbrush or a tongue scraper. If you have a stubborn plaque, you should go to a dentist’s office immediately. In extreme cases, a hairy tongue must be treated medically or surgically.

Can I protect myself from a hairy tongue?

Again, good oral hygiene is everything. When brushing your teeth, you should also regularly brush the top of your tongue with a toothbrush. Problem: Many people choke when the toothbrush goes deeper in the mouth. A small brush with which you gradually “work your way backwards” on your tongue could help. There are also tongue scrapers in different sizes on the market. Consult dental professionals if you continue to have trouble removing plaque from the tongue.

Can a hairy tongue come back?

A furry covering can be removed very easily with the described oral hygiene. However, anyone who suffers from a hairy tongue must expect that the symptom may recur.

Sources: nejm.org; aaom.com; dailymail.com]
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