Emmanuel Macron, clearly obscure. Opacity rather than transparency

by time news

2023-07-14 18:11:14

Despite the assertion in his speech of November 24, 2020 “Never give in to conspiracy, obscurantism, relativism,” Emmanuel Macron and his lieutenants have decided: for them, it is opacity that prevails. And Emmanuel Macron, who seemed quite bright at the start, turns out to be “at the same time” the master of chiaroscuro.

« The reason forANDtat, it’s a lot of reasonssaid Coluche. Reasons tinged with authoritarianism by nature, are we entitled to think. This is how this formula should be completed so that it corresponds to the sad reality in practice in our failing democracy (1) since 2017, even more marked since 2022:

« The reason forANDtat, that’s loads of reasons not to report to the people why theANDstate decides to do one thing rather than another, without asking the people for their opinion.»

Only bad citizens, who do not trust Emmanuel Macron and his government, want transparency. However, they are far from being in the minority according to the polls. However, they accept without flinching to “live in the dark”. It’s better. After all, the utter obscurity of the Pfizer and company contracts only bothered the evil plotters. The same for the total darkness of the defense councils and for an almost systematic recourse to article 49-3 of the Constitution which has erased from the tables a democratic debate that has become non-essential.

Shame on those who doubt it, there was no disguised vaccination obligation, no violation of free and informed consent, no more sidelining of sub-citizens that we fuck if they don’t not succumb to the authoritarian decision without obligation. Thank you macronie, we live in an almost perfect world where we are all more or less free and equal. (2)

Because if certainly some are more equal than others, in particular the politicians who excluded themselves from the obligation to vaccinate, nobody is aware of anything. So on this specific point, sorry ladies and gentlemen conspirators, we are indeed all in the same boat.

Emmanuel Macron decides everything, all by himself, and will laugh well, not who will laugh the last, but who has the power and decides. However, one question remains, pending the establishment of the martial law hoped for by all since the riots of last week: between Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron, who will have the Nobel Prize for war?

Of war and anti-democracy. By that I mean flouting all the constitutional principles, in particular that of “national sovereigntywhich, in principle (Article 4 of the Constitution), “belongs to the people, who express it through their representatives in Parliament and through the referendum. »

Because Emmanuel Macron has just announced it, and publicly: he has delivered to Volodymyr Zelensky, Scalp missiles that can strike Russian forces as far as Moscow.

It is in the name of all of us and with our money. Unfortunately, doesn’t this umpteenth fact of the prince have the effect of actually dragging us into war? Hence the law that Emmanuel Macron is currently passing, which allows the requisition of any natural or legal person present on national territory, and of any Frenchman who is abroad. Their requisition by the army, why? For any dispute that is or is about to be. This, of course, will be accompanied by recourse to Article 16 of the Constitution by the Elysée’s warmonger: full powers given to the President of the Republic.

Yes: there at least it will have the merit of being clear and official: France will really be a failing democracy.

Unfortunately, how many parents will be worried about the idea that their children, sons and daughters, could be requisitioned to serve as cannon fodder for the good pleasure of Roy Emmanuel 1st?

« Alas, he loved war too muchthey say of Louis XIV, “the Sun King”, in the face of the state of total destruction in which he left the country, at the end of his reign, because of the incessant wars that he decided without ever asking his advice to anyone but him.

How long before Putin decides to react? By dint of repeated provocations from Europe and our autocratic president, we are going to take one!

Peace is a balance that requires efforts from all parties. Absolutely all. I do not mean by this only the countries that are parties to the dispute, materially engaged in it officially. Peace of interest to the whole world, when Russia and NATO confront each other, directly or not, all the countries that are even slightly audible to them, must work to contribute to the advent of a suitable agreement for the two parties, the countries officially parties to the dispute.

India is one of the few countries that has not taken a position in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Now, a nuclear power, a member country of the United Nations Security Council and the most populous country in the world, India is eminently audible to both Russia and NATO.

The Delhi Accords? It would fall flat.

So on this July 14, 2023, is it not desirable, and everyone’s wish, that the French people demand peace by uniting in an apolitical collective citizen movement in order to defuse the escalation? And, thus denouncing the going to war of support at all costs for Ukraine to initiate the going to peace desirable for all.

(1) The Economist, the famous Anglo-Saxon magazine, classified France for two years in a row as a failing democracy.

(2) When I was a child, I could go wild camping, burn the leaves in my garden, dig a well in it, ride a bike without a helmet, smoke, etc. I was free, okay, but I didn’t know that in fact I wasn’t happy. Congenital conspirator, I did not know that for my citizenship is imposed on the selfishness that gnawed at me then, I needed the State to decide everything, to intervene without limits in my life, at all levels and in all areas. .

So, rubbing my Aladdin’s lamp with the same frenzy exhibited by world leaders, sawing off the branch on which all of humanity sits, I called for a state that would protect me from everything, including by myself. Especially my desire for freedom.

And thank you ! That’s it: this wish, Emmanuel Macron has granted it. A wish that he granted, fulfilled beyond anything you can imagine, even when you are at the extreme left, center or right. As a wish, he gave us a real uppercut.

#Emmanuel #Macron #obscure #Opacity #transparency

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