U.S.-Made Cluster Munitions Arrive in Ukraine, but Impact on Counteroffensive Expected to Be Modest, According to Officials

by time news

U.S. officials and military analysts have warned that the recent shipment of American-made cluster munitions to Ukraine is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the country’s counteroffensive against Russian defenses. The cluster munitions, which have been outlawed by many of America’s closest allies, scatter small bomblets across the battlefield that can cause injuries even decades after the fighting ends. However, President Biden approved the shipment in order to provide Ukraine with ammunition as it faced severe shortages.

While the cluster munitions will make Ukrainian artillery more lethal, experts argue that their real impact will be felt later in the year when Ukraine has significantly more ammunition available. However, some military officials are concerned that Ukraine’s increasing reliance on artillery-centric tactics may reflect a loss of confidence in the combined arms approach they were trained in by Western advisers. This approach, involving synchronized attacks by infantry, armor, and artillery forces, was seen as more efficient than the attrition-based strategy previously used by Ukraine.

Nevertheless, U.S. officials hope that the presence of nine brigades, totaling 36,000 troops, trained in Western tactics will demonstrate the superiority of the American way of warfare over the rigidly centralized Russian command structure. The recent shipment of cluster munitions has provided Ukrainian troops with a vast supply of artillery rounds, allowing them to continue their offensive. However, it is too early to assess the success of the counteroffensive or how Ukraine will utilize the cluster munitions.

The United States has promised to work with Ukraine to minimize the risks associated with the use of cluster munitions. The Ukrainian government has stated that the munitions will only be used in areas with a concentration of Russian military forces, with the intention of breaking through enemy defense lines while minimizing risks to Ukrainian soldiers. Experts believe that the cluster munitions will provide more effective firepower against area targets, such as infantry, artillery, and truck convoys.

Overall, the arrival of cluster munitions in Ukraine coincides with the country’s slow but steady progress in its counteroffensive. Ukrainian troops are cautiously advancing through difficult minefields, with some experts acknowledging that the process will be long and bloody. Despite the challenges, Ukrainian soldiers are committed to recapturing occupied territory and view the supply of cluster munitions as a necessary measure to support their ongoing fight.

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