The politics of the country is macho

by time news

2023-07-13 17:09:53

Knowing the case of the vice prefect Mónica Loza, who days ago denounced violations of her rights by the current prefect, Hermel Tayupanda, we decided to address the issue of violence and harassment against women in the political sphere. Thus, on this occasion we delve into the subject with the contributions of the lawyer and educational psychologist Mireya Lara. It should be noted that the professional has been a human rights activist for more than 40 years.

Why does violence and harassment against women occur in politics?

The country’s politics is sexist, political violence is one more form of structural violence that occurs in capitalist society. Unfortunately, that society is sitting on patriarchal foundations; men have the power. This power does not include dispossessed men and women. In the political sphere, men have traditionally had space in decision-making and participation in State affairs, and when the presence of women emerges, a confrontation is generated.

Do cultural traits influence violence and harassment against women in political life?

The patriarchal culture is based on values ​​such as violence, the will of those who have power is imposed on those who do not. They want to accustom us to continue being subservient. We must unlearn those violent values, of imposition, of subordination; for values ​​such as respect, solidarity and tolerance. Democratic coexistence in public spaces should be encouraged, in order to share rights and assets.

Are gender stereotypes used to attack women who enter politics?

Definitely. Our policy is eminently sexist. In political-public action, women are not respected; personal and family circumstances are used to destroy leadership, political personality and the opportunity to be candidates. It is happening at present, in the presidential binomials, where professionalism is not highlighted, but instead destroys the person.

Does the violence exerted against women in politics leave sequels?

It produces psychological effects and self-esteem problems. In this sense, some women’s organizations work in our province, with the aim of supporting us. Tell men that a peaceful coexistence and respect for our ways of acting, being and thinking are possible.

What should be done to eradicate violence and harassment against women?

To eradicate structural violence, including politics, we must change the economic model that influences civilization. In the 21st century we are experiencing a civilizing crisis, because we do not understand that the human being is made up of men and women. We are equal before God, the law and society. A new coexistence is needed, which is based on equality, respect and justice, and in this we need everyone’s participation.

In the cases of violence against women that have occurred, have men joined?

Of course. When we talk about feminism, we are talking about a school of thought that seeks equity. In these circumstances, both men and women adopt that thought, position and political practice. We do not rule out that, in certain cases, women have macho thinking. We have to appreciate the presence of many men who are feminists and who work in the different state instances, for example: the Electoral Dispute Tribunal of the country judges and sanctions with the feminist and legal approach, this to the authorities that are being violent with women who are authorities. Regarding violence and harassment against women in the political sphere, it is possible to eradicate this phenomenon, this through a process of education, training and social awareness. In addition, it is important to allocate resources.

#politics #country #macho

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